Our Dating Scene is “Meh”
How easy is it to meet a romantic partner in Westchester?
10.6% It’s impossible
40% It’s somewhat hard.
38.5% It’s neither hard nor easy.
9.8% It’s somewhat easy.
1.1% It’s incredibly easy.
We Must Have the Most Virus-Free Computers in the USA
How Often do you watch porn?
54.8% Never
29.7% Occasionally
10% Weekly
3.6% Daily
1.8% Monthly
For those of you in the majority… Really? Never?
The Naked Truth…
…47.2% of you have dated a co-worker.
…46.9% of you have never tried online dating, and flat-out refuse to in the future.
…15.3% of you have experimented with members of your nonpreferred gender.
…12.5% of you have tried sex augmented by the “little blue pill,” and said it was great
(while 3% of you said Viagra made sex terrible).
…11% of you admit to cheating on your spouse or partner, with 1.4% of you saying that
you cheat regularly (tsk, tsk).
…1.7% of you have had an affair with the boss and said it was great for you both personally
and professionally (while only 0.3% said sleeping with the boss had negative
consequences personally and professionally).
…1.7% of you are in open relationships.