The Top Three Worth Things about
Living in Westchester (Besides Taxes)
57% – The cost of living here is too (damn) high.
14.2% – The people here feel to entitled.
9% – Westchester needs more local jobs and businesses.
How does Westchester compare to New York City?
I love New York City and would live there
in a heartbeat if I could. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.4%
I prefer living in Westchester, but I visit
New York City as often as I can. . . . . . . . . . . . . 52.4%
I visit New York City once in a while, but
I wouldn’t want to live there or go more often. . . . . . . . 31.4%
I hate New York City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.9%
A majority of you (54.6%) own up to where you live, but six honest
respondents admitted that, when they meet someone from outside the area
who asks where they’re from, they just say they’re from New York City.
On Sticking Around
When asked if you plan on living in Westchester in ​10 years…
…57.5% said yes.
…14.5% said no.
…28% are undecided.
For those of you who plan on moving, most of you (30.2%) said you’d
downsize and stay local to Westchester, while 28.3% of you would
move somewhere close like Connecticut, New Jersey, or Pennsylvania.
Love All, Serve All?
Is Westchester equally welcoming to all races,
religious groups, and sexual orientations?
40.2% say yes, everyone is treated the same here.
29.3% say no, the majority rules.
30.6% are unsure.
Where Does “Ups​tate” Begin?
We’ve had this argument countless times, both with people who live south of us (who
keep insisting that Westchester is upstate) and people who live north of us (who insist
that they’re the true upstaters). Now, let’s consider the matter settled: A plurality of you
(45.9%) say that the upstate/downstate Mason-Dixon line is at the Dutchess
County/Ulster County border.