Revolutionizing Energy Conservation
Candela Systems Corporation opened its doors in 1994, with the mission to make our world cleaner by providing technology in energy conservation, energy management, and lighting and electrical regulation. But that wasn’t enough for CEO James Bernardo; he wanted to generate a major new product even as he was helping businesses revolutionize their spending on energy.
Two years later, Bernardo had an idea: develop and patent a wireless technology that could govern, monitor, and control lights. “It allows you to control every single light to the level that you want,” he says. “We can cut energy costs anywhere between thirty to fifty percent.” The technology will launch in 2012.
Candela’s customers today include major regional utility companies such as Con Edison and NYSEG, energy service companies, and public institutions around the nation. “We recently completed 26 Federal Plaza in Manhattan, the third largest federally owned building in the world,” Bernardo says. “We’ve also worked for the US Postal Service as well as Home Depot.”
Later this year, Candela will relocate from its current Somers headquarters to a Hawthorne headquarters that is twice as large in size, with a goal of growing from its current 35 employees to 150 employees by 2015.