Is It Easy or Not Easy Being Green?
This month, we asked about your energy consumption and conservation habits (or lack thereof).
When it comes to energy conservation…
I try to conserve where I can, but it’s not easy (56%) I’m always leaving my lights and appliances on. Bad, right? (27%) I conserve so much I have the carbon footprint of a flea (17%)
Do you use compact fluorescent bulbs?
YES 65%
NO 35%
The biggest way I conserve energy is…
my Energy Star appliances 31%
my hybrid vehicle 20%
my miserly thermostat settings 16%
not going to the gym 16%
living in the dark 13%
carpooling 4%
The biggest way I waste energy is…
my numerous gadgets and appliances 36%
driving my gas-hogging SUV 31%
wasting water 17%
driving too much 9%
going to the gym 7%
What’s your position on Indian Point?
It should be phased out, but
only after we have replacement sources online 47%
Shut it down, pronto 24%
I’d rather have four-eyed fish in the
Hudson than face $500 electricity
bills from Con Ed 18%
What’s Indian Point? 11%
What is the most important thing you think we should do about the price of oil and gas?
Require more fuel-efficient vehicles 33%
Start walking and biking more 18%
Spend more research money to perfect alternative-energy vehicles 16%
Invest more in public
transportation 13%
Cut our gasoline taxes 11%
Allow more off-shore drilling 9%