Jake Berman, Bronxville | 3rd Grade
What do you wish girls knew about boys? That we’re tough.
What do you and your friends talk about when you are together? Trash Packs and Skylanders and what we’re going to do at recess.
What type of place do you wish your town had for kids your age? A water park.
What was the best part of 2nd grade? Going in the “blow up” observatory for science in the gym, because it was really fun looking at all the stars.
What are you most looking forward to in 3rd grade? Learning times tables in math, because I really want to know how that works
What would you change about your school cafeteria’s menu? I would like brisket.
What’s your favorite food? Candy.
What’s the best thing about being a kid in Westchester? You get to play in the parks and walk your dog in the woods.
What after-school activities do you participate in? Riding horses and acting/singing.
What don’t your friends know about you? That I’m really good at musical theater.
Who is smartest: your mom, dad, or the president? The president, because he launches all the battles and he owns the whole country.
Is there anything else you’d like us to know about you? Originally, I’m from Australia and I love doggies and horses.
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