If you crave being in the know, then this Saturday presents a unique opportunity to learn from some of the brightest professors in the country. “One Day University,” a traveling program that brings smart and entertaining lecturers to colleges throughout the country, features various professors speaking on the subjects that made him or her famous. Here are some highlights from our upcoming chance to relive our college days (or at least the classroom part):
Shawn Achor, an instructor at Harvard University, will discuss “Positive Psychology and the Science of Happiness,” a course that examines “self-esteem, spirituality, empathy, and setting goals.”
Rachel Friedberg, a senior lecturer at Brown University, will teach a course titled, “Fera, Myth, Reality, and the Economics of Immigration.” The lecture will “explore whether the welcome mat for immigrants has worn thin,” and will cover such topics as whether the United States allows immigrants in because of despite the economic impact that they have had on the country,” as well as “the debate over whethr illegal immigrants are taking away jobs from American-born workers.”
Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, a professor of philosophy aned legal studies at Dartmouth College, will “delve into the controversial practice of how attorneys are referring to neuroscience and brain scans to argue their cases” in a class called “Neuroscience, Genetics, and Brain Scans on Trial.” Notably, Professor Sinnott-Armstrong will discuss “how criminal defendants are using ‘no lie MRIs’ to prove their innocence.”
Richard Pious, a professor of political science at Barnard College and Columbia University, will conclude the one-day event with “George W. Bush: The Impersial President?” The lecture will discuss “war powers, warrantless wiretapping, domestic spying, and military tribunals.
The cost for the event, which runs from 9:30 a.m. to 3:45 p.m., is $219 (Who can put a price on education? Apparently One Day University can.). For more information go to www.onedayu.com.