R5 Why Are Our Taxes So #%*! High?

Adelaide DiGiorgi, a 73-year-old retired realtor in Tuckahoe and president of the Westchester League of Women Voters, isn’t pleased, either. “I took early retirement in the mid-nineties, and since then our taxes have tripled. All I can say is, we can’t take it anymore.”
Can’t take what? The highest taxes in the nation, that’s what. “High” is a relative term, of course, but if the national average tax bill were as tall as a center hall Colonial in Scarsdale, Westchester’s would be the height of the Ritz-Carlton Tower. Even realtor Charlene Tobin, who sells many multi-million-dollar homes in Purchase, was taken aback by one that came on the market recently with a $117,989 tax bill. As she pointed out, “You have to earn at least $235,000 a year just to pay the taxes on the house!”

According to the Tax Foundation, a Washington, DC-based research group, we Westchester taxpayers who live in our own homes do indeed write the largest property tax check in the country—yes the country: $8,404, or nearly five(!) times the national average of $1,854. Part of that is due to the value of our homes, but they are only three times the national average. It’s the tax rates that are killing us.

Taxes are driving us away, too. “It’s ridiculous!” exclaims 64-year-old Rick Klett, who moved to Massachusetts in 2008. “If I had stayed in New Rochelle, almost my entire pension would have been eaten up by my real estate taxes!” Klett retired from a job with the Irvington School District and didn’t want to leave. “My wife was born and raised in New Rochelle, but we were being taxed out of existence.” In 1997, the couple bought a home on Interlaken Avenue in New Rochelle. The taxes were about $7,000 at the time. By the time they sold it 11 years later, the tax bill was $16,000. Today, they own a larger home (1,860 sq. ft. vs. 1,730 sq. ft.) on a much larger lot (one acre-plus as opposed to 60 x 110 feet)—a waterfront lot, no less, about 12 miles south of Boston—and pay $5,200 in taxes.

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Of course, there are those who say our cost of living—not to mention our quality of life—is substantially higher than in the rest of the nation. But even among comparable places, particularly those in the New York metropolitan area, we still have the dubious distinction of topping the tax charts. Nassau County is close at $8,306, Rockland is $7,798, Putnam is $6,917, and Suffolk is $6,842. Bergen County, New Jersey—just across the river—is $7,997, while Fairfield, Connecticut, is $6,051. Tax-wise, it’s cheaper to live in Greenwich than in Mamaroneck.

Westchester tax bills become even more ludicrous when we compare them to other counties in the U.S., places that are similar to us in population, cost of living, proximity to major cities, housing values, and so forth. Like Middlesex County, Massachusetts, part of the Boston metro, which is somewhat more populous and a little less prosperous, but where county government was abolished in 1997. The average property tax bill there is about half of ours: $4,271. Or San Mateo County, California (next to San Francisco), where the cost of living is among the highest in the nation, yet the average property tax paid by a homeowner is just $4,208. Or Fairfax County, Virginia, which is very similar to Westchester, except it spends a billion dollars less than we do on its schools and the average property tax bill is $4,616.

High taxes are undermining the Westchester economy, according to Al DelBello, former New York Lieutenant Governor, Westchester County Executive, and Mayor of Yonkers. “It’s devastating to business. It’s not that they can’t pay the property tax; it’s that they can’t afford to hire people who live in the County. If you were a company trying to find a location for a new office or distribution center, why would you come to the highest taxed county in the United States?”

Why, exactly, do we have that honor?

As DiGiorgi says, “We want what we want.” Which means? “For many, many years, people wanted all those extra special kinds of benefits that the government took care of.” That’s the heart of the debate over Westchester taxes. We hate them, but we can’t seem to stop the spending that drives them up. Our property taxes, you see, are determined by a not-very-complex formula based on how much money our schools, village, town, county, and special taxing district(s) spend. According to the New York State Office of Real Property Services, the formula is pretty simple: the taxing body (schools, town, etc.) estimates its expenses, subtracts income like state and federal aid, sales taxes, and fees, and divides the remaining expenses over the property tax base. Shortly thereafter, our tax bill arrives and the screaming begins.

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Something to keep in mind is that a couple of things other than expenses by our schools and town government affect our tax bills. While the property tax represents the largest single source of their funding, it’s only slightly more than half. If there is a cutback in state aid (highly likely these days) or sales tax receipts fall off (you heard about the recession, right?), the shortfall is made up on our property tax bill.

What’s more, if someone else in our community gets his or her taxes reduced through the appeals process known as tax certiorari, we have to make up the difference. Harrison School Superintendent Louis Wool reports, for example, that the Harrison School District is facing $23 million in tax assessment challenges, mostly from commercial property owners, and he expects about one-third of them to go
into effect. One was filed by Westchester Country Club, which recently was awarded a $2.6 million reduction. Since I live in Harrison, I’ll have to pay my share of that unless the town and school district cut expenses to offset it. I’m not holding my breath.

My town and school district, like most, have been nibbling around the edges of their spending. But the biggest portion of our tax dollars go to pay for the people who clean our streets, put out our fires, and educate our children—and the layers of management we think they need. As Greenburgh Town Supervisor Paul Feiner says, “Local government is a service provider just like a plumber or an electrician, and people have to decide whether they want to pay for particular services. But people want to have their cake, eat it, and not pay for it.”

There are an awful lot of people supplying services to—and paid by—the taxpayers of Westchester. Schools receive the lion’s share of our property taxes, about 60 percent of the total, depending on where you live. The County government splits the remainder more or less equally with the towns, villages, and municipalities, according to the New York State Comptroller. The Bureau of Labor Statistics says our local governments employ nearly 19,000 people, while our schools have nearly 24,000 people on staff. We can rant about the cost of fuel to operate our school buses and rave about saving two dollars a ton on rock salt for our roads, but the greatest share—about 70 percent—of our tax dollar goes for employee salaries and benefits.


Are we happy with the services they provide in return for that big check we write? Even the most adamant tax opponent, like Tea Party participant Howard Hellwinkel, a 58-year-old small-business owner in North Salem, isn’t griping about the value he gets for his tax dollar. “As far as our town goes, I’m satisfied,” he says. “We have garbage service, our roads are maintained very well, and we have an excellent school district. Whether we pay more than we should has to do with costs and how they’re managed.”

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We must worship our kids. In the 2008 fiscal year, the average Westchester school district spent $24,000 per pupil, or way more than double the national average of about $10,000, as reported by the Census Bureau. There’s no question that our schools are good, but are they twice as good as everyone else’s?

Westchester apparently knows no bounds when it comes to spending on our schools. Last spring, about six months after the U.S. economy barely avoided falling into the abyss, voters in Westchester approved every single school budget, 37 of which included a tax increase. This year’s results weren’t known at press time, but we can be pretty sure that most of them passed again.

We don’t seem to care much about the details. The formula “good schools equal high home prices” might as well be tattooed on the forehead of every realtor in the County. Good schools cost a lot, we believe, and so we pay the bill. The question lingers, though: What exactly are we paying for? 

Mostly, we’re paying for people. Teachers (about 13,000 of them), plus administrators, nurses, janitors, school bus drivers, band directors, guidance counselors, psychologists, secretaries, business managers, basketball coaches, and more—many, many more. All told, we spend about $3.5 billion on our schools, according to the New York State Comptroller, and more than two-thirds of that goes for salaries and benefits. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says we paid school employees more than $2 billion in 2008. Benefits added another $680 million to the bill.

There are other major expenses, too, of course. Debt service in 2008 was $192 million and bussing cost $163 million, and plenty was spent on computers, football helmets, and big red pencils, but the overriding cost of getting our kids into an Ivy League college lies in the people we hire to do it.

Good schools don’t have to cost a lot, though. Residents of Fairfax County, Virginia, send their kids to schools that were operated for $2.2 billion in 2008, the same year we spent $1.3 billion more—to educate fewer kids. Oh, as mentioned earlier, Fairfax residents’ average property tax bill is $4,600, or about half of ours. Other than that, the two counties are remarkably similar. Fairfax is a suburb of a major city (Washington, DC); has 1,010,000 people (versus our 950,000); a median household income of $126,000 (against our $111,000); and an average home value of $556,000 (ours is $582,000). The cost of living is comparable, too. Their schools had 165,000 pupils in 2008; we had 145,000. Excluding debt service, we spent $24,000 to educate each of ours—Fairfax spent $13,000.

Yes, but Westchester schools are nationally known. They have stellar reputations. What college admissions officer hasn’t heard of Scarsdale High? Or Horace Greeley? Or Edgemont High? But…hold on…so are Fairfax County schools. By most standards, their academic achievements were just as good as ours, if not better. Fairfax students in the class of 2008 had an average combined SAT score of 1654. This year, the average high school in Westchester scored 1598. The four-year graduation rate was the same for both counties: 91 percent, and about the same percentage of students went on to college: 93 percent for Fairfax, 94 percent for Westchester. On the June 2009, Newsweek magazine list of America’s Top High Schools, Fairfax had 11 schools in the top 200, while Westchester had eight. So what accounts for the difference in the cost of the schools?

For one thing, Westchester’s 13,000 teachers belong to New York State United Teachers (NYSUT), while non-teaching support personnel are members of Local 1000 of the Civil Service Employees Association. Virginia is a right-to-work state where unions aren’t a big factor. The pay scales reflect it, too. In Katonah, for example, beginning teachers earn $52,000, whereas those at the top of the scale make $138,000. In Fairfax, it’s $47,000 to $99,000. When you multiply it times the number of teachers in Westchester, the difference hits your tax bill like a Big Mac hits your waistline.

Salaries vary widely depending on the district, the teacher’s experience, and many other factors, but the average teacher here earns about $89,000. The national average teacher salary was $51,000 in 2006, the latest figure available from the American Federation of Teachers. The salary range between beginning teachers and those with more experience and education is tremendous. Taking the average, though, we’re paying our teachers well over a billion dollars a year.

“It sounds like a lot, but have you looked at the cost of living in Westchester?” asks NYSUT spokesman Carl Korn. “Try buying a home on a teacher’s salary.” When you look strictly at average salaries, Korn is close to correct. According to City-Data.com, Westchester’s cost of living index is 157 (the U.S. average is 100). Calculated the same way, our teacher’s salary index is 175 vs. the U.S. average.

It’s not just salaries, though. The two costliest benefits are health insurance and retirement. As in every other sector of our economy, health insurance takes an ever-increasing bite out of school budgets. Overall, it represented $335 million in 2008. Taxpayers bear almost the entire burden of health insurance for school employees. Statewide, teachers pay 10 to 13 percent of their insurance premiums. Katonah’s contract with the union calls for an 11-percent employee contribution. Non-teaching personnel pay a comparable share.

Funding pension plans is a major expense—and a ticking time bomb. “The pension system is structurally broken and not sustainable,” says Harrison School Superintendent Louis Wool. “In a bad year, that line can blow a budget to smithereens. For the 2010-11 budget year, Harrison’s pension costs increased by $1.5 million, a 45-percent increase. “There’s no way for me to mitigate that impact no matter how well I plan.” For County schools as a whole, pension funding was $158 million in 2008.

The problem is that the state-mandated pension plans for school-district employees are defined benefit plans, which means the amount of future benefits is guaranteed and has to be funded by the taxpayers and/or investment income. When stocks and bonds take a big dip (remember 2008?), the state pension plan does, too, and school districts, towns and villages, and other participants get a larger-than-normal bill. Retirees are also living longer, so their guaranteed benefits are paid for more years, which means the fund has to be replenished more generously. “Schools have zero leeway when it comes to pension plans,” Lisa Davis, executive director of the Westchester-Putnam School Boards Association, explains. “The terms are entirely mandated by the state.”

Teachers are covered by the Teachers Retirement System and others participate in the Employee Retirement System. Current employees contribute an insignificant amount, although a recent change in state law created a new level (Tier V) that requires a 4.85 percent annual contribution by teachers who start in 2010 and raises the minimum retirement age to 57 with 30 years of service. As Wool says, however, “Tier V won’t have an impact on school districts until my children have children.”

Another major difference between Fairfax County and Westchester schools is administrative costs. Fairfax County has one school district. Westchester has 40. They pay one superintendent of schools, we pay 40 of them—as well as at least 40 assistant superintendents, system-wide technology directors, purchasing agents, transportation directors, and other central office staffers with the attendant overhead.

All that overhead is costly. The superintendent of schools in Fairfax County earns $292,469 annually to manage about 200 schools with 165,000 students. Three of our superintendents (Scarsdale, Rye City, and Tuckahoe) make more than he does. The largest of those three districts, Scarsdale, has seven schools with 4,800 kids. Tuckahoe has two schools with about 1,000 students. Taken together, our 40 superintendents made over $10 million in 2009. Efficient we’re not.

The answer would be consolidation, but we’re not very logical when it comes to our schools. Davis says consolidation of districts may not be politically feasible (or even desirable). “Even if Westchester had just one large school district, you’re not going to dramatically change your biggest cost unless you enlarge class size. Education is very people-intensive and that’s why it’s very expensive.” Class sizes in Fairfax, though, are equivalent to ours, according to Sperling’s Best Places to Live, while National Center for Education Statistics data for 2007-’08 show Westchester with 1,900 district-wide administrators and staffers. Fairfax had 1,200.

“A big part of our cost savings is economy of scale,” says Fairfax County Public Schools spokesman Paul Reigner, who also happens to have worked for the NYS Department of Education a few years ago. “You’ve got all these different school systems while we have one big one, with one superintendent, one school board, one leadership team.”

State regulations and mandated services drive up other costs for Westchester’s schools, too. Davis says transportation is one example. “It used to be ninety percent funded by the state,” she says. “It’s next to nothing now. In a place like Northern Westchester, the state may say a kid can walk two miles to school, but not up there where there are no sidewalks—like in a lot of Westchester.” The state mandates that the farthest distance a student can walk is two miles for K-8 and three miles for 9-12. Some districts, like Lakeland, prohibit students walking to school at all because they deem it too unsafe. The cost to the district? Nearly $9 million or about $1,200 per pupil. Keep in mind the district covers 42 square miles.

Then there is special education. “New York State far exceeds the federal regulations, so the provision of services is much more expensive than in other places—and our results are no better,” Davis says. “The NYS Council of School Superintendents did a study that showed that we don’t get better results for our money despite the fact that we spend more.”

Between state and federal mandates, compulsory pension contributions, and the legacy of hefty union contracts, not to mention an inefficient patchwork of entrenched hyper-local school districts, our tax bills aren’t likely to shrink any time soon.

The other 40 percent of our tax bills are bloated in much the same way. According to the New York Attorney General, Westchester has 340 taxing entities—not counting school districts. We pay taxes to support one county government, six cities, 19 towns, 23 villages, 141 sewer districts, 54 water districts, 28 fire districts, 21 lighting districts, 16 drainage districts, 15 park districts, five garbage districts, and 21 districts that defy definition. Gee, do you think there might be some overlap?

“It’s self-evident,” says DelBello. “The local government structure has created innumerable duplications. The multiplicity of services is horrendous. Forty-eight police forces? It defies logic.”

As one example, DelBello points out that huge nationwide institutions like banks service millions of loans through centralized computer systems, yet we need a separate tax assessor, tax collector, and various clerks and support staff for every town. “You won’t find a single person who will disagree that there are too many layers of government,” Richard Olver, a former trustee for the Village of Croton, notes. “But no one will agree with any proposal for change. Any particular plan will result in somebody’s ox getting gored.”

Westchester voters bend over backward to make sure their bureaucracy is as local as local gets, to paraphrase News 12’s catchy slogan. Dobbs Ferry, for example, could save more than $2.5 million per year (about 16 percent of the total village budget) by combining police forces with the Town of Greenburgh’s, as recommended in a recent study. The town fathers didn’t go that far, but they did suggest combining dispatchers. They were roundly defeated in the November election. The village had tried earlier to share some police services with both Ardsley and Irvington but was shot down both times.

If ever there were a poster child for questionable government structure, Greenburgh would be it. There are six villages with a total population of 45,000 within the town, which itself provides services to a large unincorporated area with about 42,000 more residents. The town budget was $105 million in 2008, the villages’ $108 million. The town has a supervisor (earning $128,000), police chief ($140,000), and town clerk ($82,000)—as does each village. The salaries of those three positions at the town level are $350,000. The combined salaries for the same three positions in the six villages? It’s $2.2 million. Oh, and don’t forget the mayors and village trustees when you’re looking for oxen to gore.

“The average person likes that they know the mayor and can call him if their garbage isn’t picked up,” Greenburgh Supervisor Feiner says. “Years ago, if you got a traffic ticket, you called somebody in your town and it disappeared. That’s not the way it is now, but people still like to think so. A lot of people are willing to pay a premium for inefficient government they feel is more responsive.”

Even in the face of that attitude, Feiner is convinced there are savings to be achieved by consolidating some functions. The town recently commissioned a study of possibly combining three fire districts that serve 70 percent of the unincorporated portion of Greenburgh. “The police department that covers the entire unincorporated part of the town costs us twenty-three million dollars,” he says. “The three fire districts cost twenty-eight million.”

While attempting to centralize some functions at the town level, Feiner advocates eliminating the County government. His reason? Because nobody identifies with it so it would be the easiest to do away with politically. “If the state would allow us, it would be possible.” He cites Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts where county governments were eliminated. “The County government is patronage-heavy,” he says. “A lot of the services could be handled by the local governments or the state.” Without a major revision in state law, however, it’s not going to happen.

The other big driver of local government taxes is the same as schools: union contracts. “There is no question that the municipal unions just browbeat our legislators and they cave into it,” DelBello says.

Feiner adds, “Local government doesn’t really have control over the entire salary structure.” If local administrations and employee unions can’t come to agreement on contract terms, he notes, they are required by law to go to arbitration. “All the arbitration panels are awarding about four percent increases to all the police and fire departments before you add on longevity and other costs. In real dollars, many of the police and fire salaries are increasing in the range of five to six percent per year.” And how much, ahem, did your salary go up this year?

By state law, public employees can’t strike. On the other hand, the law also says they continue to receive all benefits and annual step increases to salaries while they negotiate a new contract, so there’s no big incentive to settle.

Westchester County Association Advocacy Director Amy Allen points out that the average public sector salary in the Mid-Hudson region that includes Westchester was $53,445 last year, about 6 percent above the average salary in the private sector. What’s more, state and local employees received $1.17 in new benefits for every dollar per hour pay increase from 2002 to 2008, compared to 58 cents for private sector workers. Is it any wonder the WCA is pushing for changes in tax policies at the state and local level? Their campaign slogan: “Call to Action.”

Dave Donelson was a successful entrepreneur, investor, and operator of a management consulting firm for many years before he “retired” to become a full-time writer.

School Spending

District Schools Enrollment  Total Staff  Total Students Bused
Ardsley 3  2152  416  1767
Bedford 7  4351  790  4722
Blind Brook 3  1539  258 1172
Briarcliff Manor 3  1689  328 1608
Bronxville 3  1540  272 0
Byram Hills 4  2818  525 3072
Chappaqua 6  4205  648 4317
Croton-Harmon 3  1774  346 1483
Dobbs Ferry 3  1480  253 728
Eastchester 5  3120  518 2162
Edgemont 3  1963  337 60
Elmsford 3  1024  171 891
Greenburgh Central 5  1728  375 2507
Harrison 6  3564  650 3439
Hastings-on-Hudson 3  1601  257 550
Hendrick Hudson 5  2740  415 2728
Irvington 4  1823  269 1482
Katonah-Lewisboro  6  3767  722  4392
Lakeland  9  6466  1042 7266
Mamaroneck  6  5055  866 685
Mount Pleasant  4  2000  364 1977
Mount Vernon  16  9080  1419 1091
New Rochelle  10  10967  1449 7229
North Salem  2  1350  229 1485
Ossining  6  4428  766 3915
Peekskill  5  3009  456 1492
Pelham  6  2801  353 95
Pleasantville  3  1849  330 58
Pocantico Hills  1  588  74 361
Port Chester-Rye  6  4122  542 711
Rye City  6  3120  487 40
Rye Neck  4  1489  179 110
Scarsdale  7  4759  599 2307
Somers  4  3486  567 3699
Tarrytown  6  2628  498 1589
Tuckahoe  2  1059  173 1105
Valhalla  4  1547  240 1346
White Plains  8  7155 1213 4157
Yonkers  40  24961  3823 16804
Yorktown  6  3876  642 4252
Totals  236  148,673  23,859 98,854
District Per Pupil Cost
’09-’10 Budget Budget +/- over ’08-’09 (%)
% From Property Tax True Value Tax Rate ($)
Ardsley $26,431 $56,880,000
.5 64 17.76
Bedford $26,324 $114,535,122
3.9 88 10.87
Blind Brook $25,944 $39,928,492
9.6 80 14.49
Briarcliff Manor $32,055 $54,140,186
 9.8 77 19.94
Bronxville $28,646 $44,115,561
 5.4  85 12.44
Byram Hills $27,423 $77,278,623  6.3 85 11.44
Chappaqua $25,399 $106,804,619  2.6 85 15.86
Croton-Harmon $24,176 $42,888,020  11.6 77 20.60
Dobbs Ferry $26,014 $38,500,745  3.0 73 20.48
Eastchester $21,611 $67,426,299  2.4  70 13.49
Edgemont $24,444 $47,982,745  4.1 81 17.50
Elmsford $27,922 $28,591,952  10.8 83 16.28
Greenburgh Central $32,350 $55,900,000  4.1  69 11.73
Harrison $27,946 $99,601,037  3.1 86 9.55
Hastings-on-Hudson $26,624 $42,624,795  6.6  72 21.90
Hendrick Hudson $23,976 $65,695,375  1.3  46 17.34
Irvington $27,981 $51,009,065  -0.6 78 16.88
Katonah-Lewisboro $28,816 $108,550,308  3.5 82 15.57
Lakeland  $22,192 $143,495,819  4.1 55 22.25
Mamaroneck $23,876 $120,695,077  4.3 82 12.48
Mount Pleasant $25,707 $51,414,026  -6 64 n/a
Mount Vernon $22,376 $203,175,490  10.6 45 19.00
New Rochelle $20,923 $229,462,969  4.6 67 14.60
North Salem $27,864 $37,616,948  2.9  80 13.47
Ossining $22,771 $100,832,030  2.9  67 18.42
Peekskill $23,744 $71,445,626  0.4 32 23.42
Pelham $21,416 $59,987,360  6.6 79 16.10
Pleasantville  $22,536 $41,668,749  5.3  67 18.06
Pocantico Hills  $43,416 $25,528,799  10.9 75 8.45
Port Chester-Rye $17,380 $71,642,405 1.6 64 13.68
Rye City $21,992 $68,615,237  6.4 87 9.90
Rye Neck $23,174 $34,506,750  6.9 85 13.26
Scarsdale $27,397 $130,384,259  6.8  89 12.53
Somers $22,810 $79,516,692  4.8 74 14.65
Tarrytown $23,773 $62,475,959  3.7  66 18.72
Tuckahoe $26,058 $27,595,912  -1.7 71 14.89
Valhalla $26,981 $41,739,472  4.8  75 14.62
White Plains $25,965 $185,778,149 2.1 69 16.76
Yonkers  $19,171 $478,532,465  4.8 39 11.18
Yorktown $23,102 $89,542,300  3.3 65 18.72
Totals $23,461 $3,487,998,551  4.1 67  

All data from Westchester-Putnam School Boards Association Facts & Figures 2010 for 2009-2010 year except % From Property Tax, which was calculated from 2009-09. Excludes Special Act School Districts. The True Value Tax Rate is stated as dollars per $1,000 of full value as equalized by the NY State Office of Real Property Services and can be used as a relative measurement.

Continue reading for our Web Exclusives: County School Superintendents’ Salaries and Westchester Revenue and Expenditures by Municipality


Web Exclusive

The Super Salaries of Our Schools Superintendents

Forty school districts, 40 superintendents, 40 salaries. We know our schools are among the best in the country. And so, perhaps, it’s not surprising that we compensate our superintendents well for their work. How well? Ahem…see the chart below.
District Schools Enrollment  Total Staff  Superintendent Salary
Ardsley 3  2152  416  $244,400
Bedford 7  4351  790  $252,451
Blind Brook 3  1539  258  $234,400
Briarcliff Manor 3  1689  328  $276,933
Bronxville 3  1540  272  $275,124
Byram Hills 4  2818  525  $257,074
Chappaqua 6  4205  648  $252,635
Croton-Harmon 3  1774  346  $215,000
Dobbs Ferry 3  1480  253  $223,733
Eastchester 5  3120  518  $238,855
Edgemont 3  1963  337  $285,990
Elmsford 3  1024  171  $207,962
Greenburgh Central 5  1728  375  $227,000
Harrison 6  3564  650  $291,047
Hastings-on-Hudson 3  1601  257  $235,434
Hendrick Hudson 5  2740  415  $244,088
Irvington 4  1823  269  $263,455
Katonah-Lewisboro  6  3767  722  $265,000
Lakeland  9  6466  1042  $260,000
Mamaroneck  6  5055  866  $268,623
Mount Pleasant  4  2000  364  $211,375
Mount Vernon  16  9080  1419  $255,668
New Rochelle  10  10967  1449  $258,134
North Salem  2  1350  229  $217,350
Ossining  6  4428  766  $255,645
Peekskill  5  3009  456  $217,026
Pelham  6  2801  353  $239,317
Pleasantville  3  1849  330  $268,418
Pocantico Hills  1  588  74  $200,000
Port Chester-Rye  6  4122  542  $253,832
Rye City  6  3120  487  $295,280
Rye Neck  4  1489  179  $280,101
Scarsdale  7  4759  599  $305,224
Somers  4  3486  567  $276,585
Tarrytown  6  2628  498  $277,339
Tuckahoe  2  1059  173  $295,039
Valhalla  4  1547  240  $241,147
White Plains  8  7155 1213  $255,757
Yonkers  40  24961  3823  $275,792
Yorktown  6  3876  642  $233,845
Totals  236  14,8673  23,859  $10,132,078

All data from Westchester-Putnam School Boards Association Facts & Figures 2010 for 2009-2010 year except Superintendent salary data which is from SeethroughNY.org, which reports pay received in calendar year 2009. Katonah-Lewisboro and Croton-Harmon Superintendent salaries are for 2009-2010 school year. 

Continue reading for Westchester Revenue and Expenditures by Municipality


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Easy Come, Easy Go: Following Our Tax Dollar

Each of Westchester’s 45 municipalities derives much of its revenue from property taxes—and spends the bulk of it on employee payroll and benefits, and public safety. See how your town spends your money.
Municipality Population Land Area (Sq. Mile)
 Total Revenues  Property Tax (% of Total Revenue)
Ardsley 4,269 1.3 $9,807,993
Bedford 18,133  37.2 $33,625,961  59
Briarcliff Manor 7,696  5.9 $20,796,786 45
Bronxville 6,543  1 $15,630,174 46
Buchanan 2,189  1.4  $9,408,428  33
Cortlandt 38,467  39.7  $35,742,089  51
Croton-on-Hudson 7,606  4.7 $24,806,439 40
Dobbs Ferry 10,622  2.4 $16,809,032 61
Eastchester 31,318  4.9 $41,496,686 40
Elmsford 4,676  1.1 $11,370,516 46
Greenburgh 86,764  30.5 $110,162,512 48
Harrison 24,154  17 $76,561,415 51
Hastings-on-Hudson 7,648  2 $14,517,488 57
Irvington 6,631  2.8 $19,258,520 60
Larchmont 6,485 1.1  $21,037,063  51
Lewisboro 12,324  27.9 $13,693,964 34
Mamaroneck (Town) 28,967  6.6 $33,052,290 55
Mamaroneck (Village) 18,752 3.2  $45,271,277  45
Mount Kisco 9,983  3.1  $41,466,642  31
Mount Pleasant 43,221  27.7 $60,000,517 35
Mount Vernon 68,381  4.4 $104,807,101 43
New Castle 17,491  23.2  $34,859,789 49
New Rochelle  72,182  10.4  $146,705,769  32
North Castle 10,849  24.1  $29,112,615  65
North Salem 5,173  21.4 $9,690,539 53
Ossining (Town) 36,534  11.7 $13,115,462 65
Ossining (Village) 24,010 3.2  $42,421,123  37
Peekskill  22,441  4.3 $46,715,770 39
Pelham (Town) 11,866  2.1 $3,158,217  51
Pelham (Village) 6,400 0.8  $14,173,662  54
Pelham Manor 5,466  1.3  $13,419,622  70
Pleasantville 7,172  1.8 $20,247,140 45
Port Chester 27,867  2.4 $48,319,797 46
Pound Ridge  4,726 22.8  $7,820,341  57
Rye City 14,955 5.8 $45,467,629 40
Rye Town 43,880 7 $3,595,216 41
Rye Brook  8,602  3.5  $17,866,032  70
Scarsdale 17,823 6.6 $59,946,499 44
Sleepy Hollow  9,212  2.3  $23,959,274  36
Somers 18,346 30 $13,686,251 45
Tarrytown 11,090 3 $23,719,792 56
Tuckahoe 6,211 0.6 $10,762,945 54
White Plains 53,077 9.8 $212,882,229 21
Yonkers 196,086 18.1 $469,955,553 18
Yorktown 36,318  36.7 $61,409,523 48

Source: NY State Comptroller 2009. Data is for fiscal year 2008. For more information go to: www.osc.state.ny.us/localgov/datanstat/findata/index_choice.htm

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