Love & Marriage (& Unmarriage)
First, if you’re looking for love—and are in search of a mature woman—here, then you’re in luck: We have a surprisingly low 93.1 males for every 100 females, whereas the national average is closer to 97. Our citizens are…a little older than your average American, with a median age of 40.2, while the median in the good, not-so-ol’ US of A is just 37.2. So we’ve got lots of foxy moms. Who doesn’t love them?
But, let’s say you do find a nice single here. How “marriageable,” as your great-grandmother would say, might he or she be? Well, as we said, we get degrees at roughly twice the rates of other Americans. And, apparently, we stay in love. A mere 5.6 percent of Westchester males over the age of 15 have been divorced one or more times, compared to 9.6 percent in the rest of the country. For females, it’s 8.7 percent here vs. 12.1 in the rest of the country.