One of the many advantages of living here is that some of the best medical minds anywhere live among us and practice here. With any luck (and preventive maintenance), you won’t need to knock on their doors. But should things “break down,” you don’t want to entrust your care to anyone less than the very best. That’s when the following pages will come in handy. Once again, after a lengthy and rigorous peer-review process, the healthcare research firm Castle Connolly Medical, Ltd. has compiled a list of some of the top physicians, including surgeons and specialists, here in Westchester—183 in all. Of course, that’s not to say that if your doctor is not on the list, you have a bad doctor. But, if you’re looking for a new doctor or specialist, here are the physicians the experts recommend.
PROFILES By Melissa Pheterson
Photography by Chris Ware
Giving the Obese a Fresh Start
Madhu Rangraj, MD, director of surgery and chief of laparoscopic surgery at Sound Shore Medical Center, has expanded his acclaimed Surgical Weight Loss Program with a 6,000-square-foot Advanced Orthopedic and Bariatric Suite, which opened its doors in May. The suite has 15 hotel-style patient rooms with beds, chairs, weight scales, stretchers, doors, and commodes in the appropriate sizes.
Nearly all his stomach-shrinking procedures (bands, sleeves, and bypasses) are performed laparoscopically, with just a small incision near the belly button. But the surgery is just one part of the treatment Dr. Rangraj, 63, provides. “The surgery is purely mechanical,” he says. “It takes more than just the procedure for a lasting change.” He teams each patient with a nutritionist and two other surgeons to discuss the procedure, assuage fears, and help prepare for the radical change to come. “Fathers, sons, grandsons all come in together,” he says. “Patients bring friends and neighbors—their support system.”
It is estimated that more than 34 percent of adult Americans are obese, and nearly 6 percent are morbidly obese. “Our patients are all morbidly obese, more than one hundred pounds overweight,” Dr. Rangraj says. “Telling them to lose weight won’t work. It’s hard enough to lose five pounds, let alone one hundred fifty.” He adds that his patients have been ostracized their whole lives, due to “the public’s belief that ‘your weight is your fault.’ But, he says, “this is an eating disorder, a disease. Would you fault someone for cancer or diabetes?”
Dr. Rangraj graduated from Grant Medical College in India, then completed his internship and residency at Sound Shore Medical Center. Since 2002, he and his team have performed more than 800 bariatric surgeries. In 2005, he received the highest level of approval for the bariatric program from the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery.
“Bariatric patients are the most grateful patients in the world,” Dr. Rangraj decalres. “Many had diabetes, blood pressure issues, heart disease. They used to spend two-hundred dollars per week on medication.” Once they’ve emerged from the program, he says, “their whole life changes. They gain confidence, they get married, they’re more productive at work.”
Lending a Hand (And a Leg And an Arm)
Dr. Karen Pechman, medical director of physical medicine and rehabilitation at White Plains Hospital Center and Burke Rehabilitation Hospital, always wanted to help people—and sprinted as fast as she could to become a doctor. She graduated from the prestigious Bronx High School of Science at age 16. Six years later, after completing an accelerated medical program at Boston University, she was a physician. (Most college students are just finishing up their undergrad degrees by the age of 22!) In 1980, at age 22, she received a training grant to conduct research in immunology at NYU, where her lab shared building space with the rehabilitation center. “I saw what doctors and patients were accomplishing and got inspired,” she says. “It made me realize how great rehab is and how much I missed patients. Helping patients is why I became a doctor in the first place.”
Dr. Pechman helps patients reclaim their lives. “It’s amazing to see someone come in without a limb and then leave with one you’ve taught them to use,” she says. “They arrive helpless and leave independent, which is so gratifying for me.” One of her most memorable patients lost all four limbs after contracting meningococcal disease at summer camp. “I looked at him on the stretcher and my heart broke, because I had kids that age,” she says. “He was still growing at the time. When he left Burke, he could walk again.” He went on to compete in a Paralympics ice hockey tournament.
In her practice, Dr. Pechman utilizes cutting-edge techniques and products, including such breakthrough prosthetics as the “myoelectric” arm, whose hand opens and closes in response to electrical signals from muscles. “Prosthetic arms have always been more problematic to use than prosthetic legs, because of the fine motor skills required in the upper limbs,” she says.
To pinpoint the extent of nerve damage in patients with spinal-cord injuries, Dr. Pechman runs nerve-conduction studies (also called electromyogram, or EMG) in which an electric needle pulses under the skin to gauge how well the nerves will conduct the impulse. The EMG technique was invented by Dr. Edward Delagi, whom Dr. Pechman from 1983 to 1986 trained under at Albert Einstein College of Medicine where she volunteered as a “candy striper” in high school. “EMG sounds a lot worse than it is,” says Dr. Pechman. “I think only two patients have ever told me to stop the machine.”
Treating Kids with Crayons, a Pickle Yodel, And a Magic Table
Monsters, bullies, feuding parents: nothing cuts them down to size like a comic strip, says 62-year-old child psychiatrist Robert Seaver, MD. Children grappling with their fears and such disorders as anxiety, depression, and OCD visit his private practice in Mount Kisco, where Dr. Seaver…doodles. Yes, doodles—sketching cartoons complete with heroes, villains, and thought balloons. “Some kids are reluctant to say how they feel,” he says. “Drawing cartoons helps them open up.”
The comics are often absurdly over-the-top. “Representing a fear on the page makes it less scary,” Dr. Seaver says. For example, if a child is anxious at the start of school and suffers acute separation anxiety, “I can sketch a funny picture of a monster in the waiting room, and the kid cowering instead of going out to look. As the kid gets braver, the monster gets smaller, until there’s nothing there.” As a tangible reminder of the session, at the end of the visit, Dr. Seaver gives the strip to the child to take home.
Dr. Seaver has been drawing since age four, he says—with little inkling that his avocation would one day come in handy for his day job. “When I was a fellow at Albert Einstein in the early ’80s, the training was fairly rigid psychoanalysis,” he recalls. “The department chairman, Joe Kramer, found out I drew cartoons and suggested I draw with my kids.” So he traded his stethoscope and tongue depressor for crayons and paper, as well as puppets, dollhouses, drums, a pickle that yodels, and a tabletop stone with a hidden magnet underneath. “I tell the kids they have magic powers.”
When he’s not sketching cartoons, Dr. Seaver may play the harmonica for his patients or fold paper into a noisemaker, a trick he picked up in the seventh grade. “I try to make it fun,” says Dr. Seaver, who has a grown son. “When you keep them engaged and interested, they feel more comfortable talking about what they’re afraid of.”
He was a pediatrician in Mount Kisco in the ’70s before switching disciplines in 1980. The brisk practice of a pediatrician didn’t leave him enough time to draw; he saw up to 40 patients per day and today caps his patients at approximately 35 per week. “Child psychiatry keeps me young,” he says. “It’s hard to get crusty and belligerent when you’re making paper planes and playing the harmonica.”
Fixing Fractures, Clubfoot…and Allaying Fears
It’s not only her training at Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children and at New York University Medical Center that makes Iris Schlesinger, MD, “the specialist to whom our region’s pediatric orthopedic surgeons refer their difficult cases,” says her colleague Dr. Robin Altman. Dr. Schlesinger, orthopedic surgeon at the Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital at Westchester Medical Center, received a thorough grounding in caring for children from experience as a certified teacher, babysitter, coach, camp counselor, and “mother to two awesome girls,” she says. “I truly understand and can relate to children—skills that aren’t taught in medical school.”
“Children are not just small adults,” Dr. Schlesinger says. “They need to be approached in a non-threatening, caring manner. When old enough, they need explanations they can understand.”
Dr. Schlesinger treats injuries such as broken bones, sprains, and torn ligaments and such congenital problems as clubfoot, hip dysplasia, and cerebral palsy in children from birth to age 16. “In pediatric orthopedics, you have to relate not only to the child but also to the parent,” she says. “The entire family is affected. But the great thing about kids is they want to get better, and you get a huge ‘thank you’ when they do.” She recalls treating a girl whose pelvis was crushed by a falling tree. “Years later, I was invited to her bat mitzvah to watch her dance.” Another patient with severe elbow fractures went on to play Major League Baseball. Most recently, she performed surgery on a girl who nearly had her legs amputated after a horrific lawn mower accident. “She lost only a big toe and it is a joy to watch her run. I am as thrilled as her parents.”
An associate professor of orthopedic surgery at New York Medical College, Dr. Schlesinger is board certified in orthopedic surgery, and her board certification was followed by a fellowship in pediatrics—a path taken by few physicians, she says. “I enjoy working with children and can’t think of anything else I’d rather be doing.”
Getting Patients Back In the Game
Eric Small, MD, a sports-medicine physician in Mount Kisco, specializes in an often misdiagnosed—and, as a result, mistreated—condition, called Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, which affects millions of Americans. RSD, a chronic, painful, and progressive condition, usually develops in an injured limb, e.g., a broken arm, or following surgery. However—and here’s the reason it is so often not detected—it can be a consequence of a minor injury or, sometimes, seemingly no injury at all.
Some doctors are not even aware that RSD exists and may attribute their patients’ chronic pain to a fracture or sprain that doesn’t show up in X-rays. (Sometimes, MRIs can even support these misdiagnoses.) And, often they’ll tell their patients to rest, restrict activity, or even immobilize the injured limb—the exact wrong course of action, according to Dr. Small. “Prescribing immobilization for longer than a day or two, instead of exercise and active rehab, will only make the pain worse,” says Dr. Small, whose patients include football players, figure skaters, and pint-sized little leaguers.
Dr. Small knows how to check for RSD. The 47-year-old father of four athletic sons performs thorough exams, and if a patient reacts with extreme pain when touched by even a pinprick or a feather and if no other explanations for the pain can be found—tumor, obvious fracture, torn ligament—RSD, he says, is the likely culprit.
Dr. Small’s Rx for RSD? Exercise, which promotes blood flow to the oxygen-starved area, relieving pain and hastening healing, he says. “My patients have been told they have to give up a sport but after six weeks of treatment, they’re pain-free and ready to jump back in.”
Dr. Small, who trained in pediatric sports medicine at Harvard Medical School/Boston Children’s Hospital, joined Blythedale Children’s Hospital in Valhalla in 1995. In 2003, he opened his private practice, which now receives 4,000 patients per year, the majority under age 25. His youngest patient is six years old.
“We live in an ultra-competitive environment,” he says. “There are seven-year-olds who have tryouts for travel baseball, soccer, and lacrosse. They train year-round and suffer overuse injuries. My job is to treat the injury and educate the parents and coaches to prevent injuries from happening again.”
Sculpting New Noses and Removing Extra Digits
Exploring a patient’s deepest emotions is standard practice in a therapist’s office—but in the plastic surgeon’s office? “I ask questions to better understand the person behind the deformity,” says Dr. Michael Suzman, plastic surgeon at WESTMED Medical Group in Rye. “For every breast augmentation or tummy tuck I’m asked to do, there’s someone out there with a similar shape or body living happily. What’s their motivation for coming here? How will the procedure and recovery impact their lives? What are their expectations, and are they realistic?”
Listening closely, essential to his practice, helps him decide, he says, “who’s emotionally ready and mature enough” for surgery. “A healthy amount of concern is one thing; obsessing about what’s relatively minor is another,” says Dr. Suzman, who fields more than 3,500 patient visits each year for plastic surgery procedures such as breast enhancements, facelifts, and tummy tucks. He has declined patients he doesn’t think he can help. “Building a good rapport with good candidates for surgery is the foundation of quality care.”
Dr. Suzman, 41, graduated from Cornell University Medical College in 1996 and trained in surgery at New York-Presbyterian Hospital. Since he opened his practice in 2002, the Atlanta native has taken on a diverse caseload of patients, treating birth defects and injuries as well as tweaking bodies and faces. “One of the joys of plastic surgery is that I can treat patients of all ages”—from removing extra digits on infants to removing skin cancer in 90-year-olds. “About half my practice is elective cosmetic surgery and half medically necessary procedures. For every nose I fix cosmetically, I’ll fix an injury. I do breast cancer surgery as well as breast implants.”
To give his patients a sense of their options, Dr. Suzman runs their photos through an advanced computer simulation that yields “after” images. “Especially with noses or neck and facelifts, it gives a sense of what’s achievable and gives me a chance to hear patient feedback.” He recalls one patient who suffered two disfiguring conditions at the same time: basal-cell carcinoma of the skin and eyelid, plus breast cancer for which she’d had a mastectomy. “I reconstructed her breast with abdominal tissue and her nose and eyes with skin flaps from her forehead and cheek. It was hard to tell she’d had surgery.”
In his spare time, Dr. Suzman paints the human figure (a few of his canvases adorn his office). “It helps to have that artistic eye. Reshaping the nose, breast, or tummy really is sculpture. It’s a challenge to find shapes that are subtle, that bring out the person’s other features naturally, that matches the body parts of family members.” He declares: “I love that I get to use my hands to improve people’s lives.”
Relieving Pain with Magnets and Light
Michael Weintraub, MD, a neurologist at Phelps Memorial Hospital, will try anything once. And when it comes to treating pain, he’ll sometimes go outside the confines of Western medicine and research other methods of pain management, from shiatsu to laser phototherapy.
That isn’t to say that he’ll believe in anything. “I’ll attack any idea to see if it’s real,” says Dr. Weintraub, 70, who has worked at Phelps since 1972 and is also a clinical professor of neurology and internal medicine at New York Medical College and adjunct clinical professor of neurology at Mount Sinai School of Medicine. “I have to be persuaded, because I’m skeptical by nature.” He was an early supporter of alternative approaches to pain relief, e.g., acupuncture and shiatsu. “I paid out of my pocket to do a study that confirmed shiatsu was a quicker, more effective intervention than physical therapy.”
Dr. Weintraub’s biggest finding was spurred by a chance discussion with a dental hygienist. The year was 1998 and he was having his teeth cleaned. To pass the time, the hygienist told him that she wore special magnets in her socks to relieve foot pain. Hmm, he wondered, could magnets reduce the intense pain that his diabetic patients suffered in their feet, where progressive nerve loss caused severe burning and tingling? Dr. Weintraub counseled 30 patients to wear the magnets in their socks. “Lo and behold, they were better,” he says. The next year, he devised a scientific study with placebo controls to further test the results. Among the grateful was the late William Brady, who was then chief of anesthesiology at Phelps. “He had tried everything, even acupuncture,” Dr. Weintraub says. “When he wore the magnets in his shoes, the burning disappeared.”
Last year, Dr. Weintraub conducted a study that asked 225 people with advanced stages of diabetes to place their feet on a magnetic stimulator, a powerful “pulse” magnet that could penetrate the skin more deeply than the sock magnet and perhaps revive damaged nerves. At three months, his team performed biopsies, he says, that showed nerve loss in the control group but nerve regrowth in 29 percent of the pulse magnet users. “This was the first time anyone has been able to regenerate nerves,” says Dr. Weintraub. “This breakthrough is a paradigm shift that could make history.” He presented his finding nationally last year and currently awaits funding to pay for further research.
That’s not the only breakthrough he’s discovered through dental hygiene. In the mid-’90s, Dr. Weintraub collaborated with a dentist to publish a report that claimed that shining a laser inside the mouth could get rid of facial pain. Dr. Weintraub had shined a laser into the mouths of his patients to alleviate migraines—and had begun to explore the concept of beaming nerves with energy to relieve pain. “Our cells have receptors capable of absorbing light,” he says. A laser beam to the wrist improved his patients’ carpal tunnel, he maintains. “Just shining light on the wrist nerve and tendons can prevent surgery, and the laser challenges the theory that drugs are the only answer. Besides,” he says, “morphine makes people dopey.”
Keeping Abreast of Cutting-Edge Research
We used to tell women with breast cancer they were lucky to be alive,” says Helen A. Pass, MD, 47, an assistant professor of clinical surgery at Columbia University who practices at Lawrence Hospital Center in Bronxville. “But for me, it’s not good enough to take care of the cancer if the patient is devastated by the resulting scar. And there is no reason for that—in this field, progress continually occurs.”
Formerly chief of the Comprehensive Breast Care Center at the University of Michigan, Dr. Pass moved to Westchester five years ago with her husband, Dr. Harvey I. Pass, chief of thoracic surgery at New York University. Trained in general surgery at Georgetown University Hospital, she completed an oncology fellowship at the National Institutes of Health and, 16 years ago, when her twins were born, limited her practice to breasts only—removing tissue and draining cysts, both cancerous and benign.
In 2006, Dr. Pass was elected president of the American Society of Breast Surgeons and now serves as chairman of its board of directors, reviewing the most important papers published on breast surgery each year to separate valid research from junk science. She is particularly intrigued by promising new techniques in preserving the breast as well as reconstruction. “New skin-sparing and nipple-sparing techniques leave virtually no scars—even with mastectomies,” she says. Giving chemotherapy before surgery to shrink tumors also improves the chances of breast conservation, and lumpectomies—taking just a small portion of the breast tissue—are now an option for larger tumors. “Random surgeons call to use me as a resource,” she says. “I’m forced to stay up to date.”
She adds: “When patients leave my office, I want to be sure they are informed and empowered. It is important to understand that, while emotionally, they may want their surgery ‘done yesterday,’ biologically, the cancer won’t grow faster than they can process info, get the facts and opinions they need to make an informed decision.”
At Lawrence, Dr. Pass tries to see every newly diagnosed breast cancer patient within 48 hours. “When my patients are overwhelmed, education really goes a long way to allay their fears. They know I will give honest answers but also ask the hard questions.”
Dr. Pass lives and works in Bronxville, commuting to Lawrence on foot. “I’d better do my job right; I bump into my patients every day.”
Cracking Medical Mysteries
Gastroenterologist Marvin Chinitz, MD, estimates that he has saved three to five lives a week since he began performing colonoscopies 26 years ago. By that estimate, the 56-year-old pyhsician, a graduate of Boston University medical school who trained at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx, has saved hundreds and hundreds of lives having performed more than 30,000 procedures.
“Gastroenterology is one of the only fields that bridges internal medicine fields and surgery,” says Dr. Chinitz of New Rochelle. He treats it like a mystery. The first step is to find the clues. Capsule endoscopy is one method he employs. The procedure uses a pill with a camera inside, and “is a fascinating approach” to diagnosing such conditions as Crohn’s disease, Dr. Chinitz says. “The patient fasts overnight, comes in at eight in the morning, swallows the camera, puts on a vest and returns at four pm.” On its way down the digestive tract, the camera snaps 50,000 photos, all downloaded to the vest. “I look at every picture of the esophagus, stomach, and small intestine,” he says. “A significant finding may only appear on one photo.”
Like the doctors on TV’s House M.D., Dr. Chinitz relies on unorthodox thinking to solve mysterious ailments plaguing his gastroenterology patients. “I am most proud of finding significant non-GI disease in patients sent to me for GI evaluation,” he says. In one baffling case, he found that a young woman suffering rectal bleeding during her periods turned out to have a cyst of uterine tissue invading her colon
Dr. Chinitz also has a small internal medicine practice at Mount Kisco Medical Group (MKMG), occupying 5 percent of his caseload. “Keeping my hand in internal medicine encourages me to continue reading—and learning,” he says. And teaching, too. Even in a busy practice, Dr. Chinitz maintains a passion for teaching and community outreach, serving as an attending voluntary physician at Montefiore each year. “The beauty of working in a New York City suburb is access to teaching hospitals with world experts.” He was recently promoted to associate professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. He organizes a lecture series at MKMG, assigning different specialists to present to all the physicians each month, and at least once a year, he sends an email of helpful “GI Tidbits”—unusual cases, new research findings—for his colleagues to, well, digest.
“My twenty-eight years of experience has convinced me that chronic sinusitis is mainly a disease of inflammation and obstruction, rather than one of bacterial infection. My treatment paradigm centers on holistic prevention of disease and state-of-the-art technology such as balloon sinuplasty. Balloon sinuplasty is the newest sinus procedure and can be performed easily in the operating room with rapid return to full function after surgery. This technique has proven over a four-year period to be simple, safe, and effective.”
—Dr. Barry Shapiro, Briarcliff Manor
“Balloon sinuplasty is the latest advance in the field of ear, nose and throat treatments. Opening the sinuses with balloons attached to the ends of catheters is a very exciting development. The balloons open the sinuses in a much less invasive manner than our other current surgical techniques. They can be used instead of, or as a complement to, the more traditional sinus surgery. Recovery is faster, there is less discomfort, and the procedure is very safe.”
—Dr. Matthew J. Kates, New Rochelle
“Newer evidence-based psychotherapies, including psychodynamic and cognitive therapies, will give us further ways to maximize the effects of the ‘Talking Cure.’ Advances in molecular genetics, brain imaging, and neurophysiology will enhance our diagnostic abilities and our understanding of how the brain functions in sickness and in health. All of this, together with the development of more effective pharmacological strategies, will translate into better treatments for our young patients and their families. But the most important tool in the care of patients will remain a caring, empathic, warm, and astute clinician delivering compassionate care. Physicians have always known that we can sometimes diagnose, and can occasionally cure, but we can always provide comfort, reassurance, and support.”
—Dr. Boris Rubinstein, Hastings-on-Hudson
“This is an exciting time for maternal-fetal medicine. New advances allow evaluation earlier and more accurately. The most significant development is first-trimester screening for chromosomal abnormalities, including Down Syndrome. This advancement allows a pregnant patient as early as ten to thirteen weeks’ gestation to know if her fetus is at risk. This ‘window into the womb’ helps map the path for a safe pregnancy and a healthy baby—the ultimate goal.”
—Dr. Patricia Devine, New Rochelle
“Family medicine is an old-fashioned specialty for the modern age. Through critical appraisal of data, we evaluate diagnostic testing and therapeutic advances to determine what will actually benefit our patients. We are trained to use emotional intelligence to better understand our patients for diagnosis and in guiding treatment. Patients do not live in a vacuum, illness does not develop by itself, and health cannot be optimized by decree.”
—Dr. Peter Gottesfeld, Mount Kisco
“I was an early adopter of e-prescribing. I no longer get calls from pharmacists to clarify instructions. Medication errors are rare. Even requests for refills are sent electronically by the pharmacy. It is a boon to patients, who are able to pick up their prescriptions in one trip without waiting or returning to the pharmacy. This is especially valuable in cases of sick or uncomfortable patients, who are able to start treatment without delay. Full-featured electronic health records are still a technology in development, when all records can intercommunicate to provide each doctor with a seamless view of a patient’s entire medical history.”
—Dr. Ira Sutton, New Rochelle
“There is a new competitor to Botox called Dysport, which has a quicker time of action and may last longer than Botox; these are used in the central forehead and crow’s feet areas. There are also new formulations of dermal fillers mixed with an anesthetic. I have been using local anesthesia with filler injections for more than five years and my patients are very happy with this ‘painless’ technique for the lines around the lips and cheeks. New devices incorporating lasers with liposuction are now available to achieve more skin tightening than traditional liposuction. I will have this new technology in late-2010.”
—Dr. Douglas Roth, Mount Kisco
How Our Doctors Are Selected
The list of our “Top Doctors” was provided by Castle Connolly Medical Ltd., a healthcare research and information company founded in 1991 by a former medical college board chairman and president to help guide consumers to America’s top doctors and top hospitals. Under the direction of an MD, Castle Connolly surveys and researches tens of thousands of top doctors and the medical leadership of leading hospitals to come up with the list.
Castle Connolly’s physician-led team of researchers follows a rigorous screening process to select top doctors on both the national and regional levels. Using mail and telephone surveys, and electronic ballots, they ask physicians and the medical leadership of leading hospitals to identify highly skilled, exceptional doctors. Careful screening of doctors’ educational and professional experience is essential before final selection is made among those physicians most highly regarded by their peers.
The result—Castle Connolly identifies the top doctors in America and provides us consumers with detailed information about their education, training, and special expertise in the paperback guides, national and regional magazine “Top Doctors” features, and online directories.
Note: Doctors do not and cannot pay to be selected and profiled as Castle Connolly Top Doctors.
Physicians selected for inclusion in this magazine’s “Top Doctors” feature may also appear as Regional Top Doctors online at, or in one of Castle Connolly’s Top Doctors guides, such as America’s Top Doctors® or America’s Top Doctors® for Cancer.
Top Doctors 2010
The county’s best practitioners in 51 specialties and sub-specialties.
Allergy & Immunology
Kira Geraci-Ciardullo
Mamaroneck (914) 777-1179
White Plains Hospital Center
New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Westchester
Asthma, Sinus Disorders, Food Allergy, Insect Allergies
Neil Goldman
Croton On Hudson (914) 271-0001
Hudson Valley Hospital Center, Phelps Memorial Hospital Center
Asthma, Drug Sensitivity, Sinusitis
Cardiovascular Disease
David Cziner
White Plains (914) 948-3630
White Plains Hospital Center, Greenwich Hospital
Bernard Gitler
New Rochelle (914) 633-7870
Sound Shore Medical Center of Westchester, New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia
Coronary Artery Disease, Heart Valve Disease, Congestive Heart Failure, Hypertension
Mark Lieb
Mount Kisco (914) 241-1050
Northern Westchester Hospital Center
Anthony Mercando
Scarsdale (914) 722-6300
Lawrence Hospital Center, New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia
Cholesterol/Lipid Disorders, Pacemakers/Defibrillators, Preventive Cardiology
Lynne Perry-Bottinger
New Rochelle (914) 576-7577
New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia, Sound Shore Medical Center of Westchester
Cardiac Catheterization, Coronary Angioplasty/Stents, Heart Disease in Women, Heart Disease in African Americans
Melvin Weiss
Hawthorne (914) 593-7800
Westchester Medical Center
Cardiac Imaging, Congestive Heart Failure, Diabetes & Heart Disease, Coronary Artery Disease
Franklin Zimmerman
Briarcliff Manor (914) 762-5810
Phelps Memorial Hospital Center, Westchester Medical Center
Preventive Cardiology, Sports Medicine-Cardiology, Cholesterol/Lipid Disorders
Cardiac Electrophysiology
Martin Cohen
Hawthorne (914) 593-7800
Westchester Medical Center, White Plains Hospital Center
Interventional Cardiology, Pacemakers, Defibrillators, Coronary Angioplasty/Stents
David Rubin
White Plains (914) 428-3888
New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell,White Plains Hospital Center
Arrhythmias, Radiofrequency Ablation, Pacemakers/Defibrillators
Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Irene Hyler
Scarsdale (914) 472-8447
New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell
Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis
Boris Rubinstein
Hastings On Hudson (914) 478-1330
New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell, White Plains Hospital Center
Psychopharmacology, Neuro-Psychiatry, Mood Disorders, Developmental Disorders
Robert I. Seaver
Mount Kisco (914) 241-8979
Forensic Psychiatry, Art & Creativity, Psychopharmacology
Jonathan Slater
Irvington (914) 591-4135
New York-Presbyterian/Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital
Psychopharmacology, Medical Illness in Psychiatry
Child Neurology
Ronald Jacobson
Sleepy Hollow (914) 358-0190
Westchester Medical Center
Epilepsy, Headache, ADD/ADHD, Autism
Martin Kutscher
Rye Brook (914) 232-1810
Westchester Medical Center
ADD/ADHD, Asperger’s Syndrome,
Clinical Genetics
David Kronn
Valhalla (914) 304-5300
Westchester Medical Center, Children’s & Women’s Physicians of Westchester
Bone Disorders-Metabolic, Bone Disorders-Inherited
Lawrence Shapiro
Valhalla (914) 304-5300
Westchester Medical Center,
Nyack Hospital
Dysmorphology, Prenatal Diagnosis, Hereditary Cancer, Developmental Disorders
Colon and Rectal Surgery
Evan Krakovitz
White Plains (914) 682-6557
Greenwich Hospital, White Plains
Hospital Center
Colon & Rectal Cancer & Surgery, Hemorrhoids, Laparoscopic Surgery
Jerald Wishner
Mount Kisco (914) 241-1050
Northern Westchester Hospital
Colon & Rectal Cancer,
Laparoscopic Surgery
Andrew Bronin
Rye Brook (914) 253-8080
Greenwich Hospital, Yale-New
Haven Hospital
Melanoma, Skin Cancer,
Complex Diagnosis
Neil Goldberg
White Plains (914) 761-8140
White Plains Hospital Center,
Lawrence Hospital Center
Pediatric Dermatology, Acne
Ross Levy
Mount Kisco (914) 242-1355
Northern Westchester Hospital,
Montefiore Medical Center-Henry and Lucy Moses Division
Skin Laser Surgery, Dermatologic Surgery, Skin Cancer
Rhoda Narins
White Plains (914) 684-1000
New York University Medical Center,
White Plains Hospital Center
Liposuction, Cosmetic Dermatology,
Botox Therapy
Alan Schliftman
White Plains (914) 761-1400
Westchester Medical Center, White Plains Hospital Center
Laser Surgery, Skin Cancer
Michael Stillman
Katonah (914) 232-3135
Northern Westchester Hospital
Skin Cancer, Acne, Eczema
Diagnostic Radiology
Marc Hertz
Mount Kisco (914) 242-1395
CT Scan, MRI
Rosalyn Kutcher
Rye Brook (914) 935-0011
White Plains Hospital Center
Mammography, Ultrasound,
Women’s Imaging
Diane LoRusso
Rye Brook (914) 253-9200
Breast Imaging, Women’s Health, Ultrasound, MRI
Maurice Poplausky
Cortlandt Manor (914) 734-3680
Hudson Valley Hospital Center,
Westchester Medical Center
Interventional Radiology
Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism
David Blum
New Rochelle (914) 633-8680
Sound Shore Medical Center
of Westchester
Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Thyroid Disorders
James Hellerman
Tarrytown (914) 631-9300
Phelps Memorial Hospital Center,
St Barnabas Hospital
Thyroid Disorders, Diabetes,
Calcium Disorders
Jeffery Powell
Mount Kisco (914) 241-1050
Northern Westchester Hospital
Family Medicine
Iyad Annabi
Yonkers (914) 375-2300
St John’s Riverside Hospital
Peter Gottesfeld
Mount Kisco (914) 241-7800
Northern Westchester Hospital, Hudson Valley Hospital Center
Preventive Medicine, Aging, ADD/ADHD
Edward Merker
Pleasantville (914) 769-7300
Phelps Memorial Hospital Center
Geriatric Care
Daniel Miller
Yonkers (914) 965-9771
St Joseph’s Medical Center
Richard Strongwater
Pleasantville (914) 769-7300
Phelps Memorial Hospital Center
Travel Medicine
Ira Sutton
New Rochelle (914) 636-0077
Sound Shore Medical Center
of Westchester
Preventive Medicine, Skin Diseases
Elie Abemayor
Mount Kisco (914) 241-9026
Northern Westchester Hospital,
New York University Medical Center
Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Endoscopy, Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Marvin Chinitz
Mount Kisco (914) 241-1050
Northern Westchester Hospital
Colonoscopy, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Liver Disease, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease(GERD)
Brad Dworkin
Valhalla (914) 493-7337
Westchester Medical Center,
Greenwich Hospital
Gastrointestinal Motility Disorders, Endoscopy ,Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Robert Goldblatt
Rye Brook (914) 253-9252
White Plains Hospital Center,
Greenwich Hospital
Liver Disease, Biliary Disease, Endoscopy, Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Stephen Heier
Sleepy Hollow (914) 366-1190
Phelps Memorial Hospital Center
Colonoscopy/Polypectomy, Gastric & Esophageal Disorders, Pancreatic/Biliary Endoscopy (ERCP)
Edward Lebovics
Valhalla (914) 493-7337
Westchester Medical Center, NY,
NY Medical College
Hepatitis B & C, Pancreatic/Biliary Endoscopy (ERCP), Crohn’s Disease, Liver Disease
Peter Wayne
Yonkers (914) 969-1115
St Joseph’s Medical Center,
St John’s Riverside Hospital
Hepatitis, Pancreatic/Biliary
Endoscopy (ERCP), Colonoscopy
Geriatric Medicine
Jeffrey Escher
Yonkers (914) 376-5555
St Joseph’s Medical Center
Geriatric Care
William Martimucci
Rye (914) 848-8700
White Plains Hospital Center, Greenwich Hospital
Geriatric Care
Gynecologic Oncology
Linus Chuang
White Plains (914) 761-0900
White Plains Hospital Center, Mount Sinai Medical Center
Laparoscopic Surgery, Ovarian Cancer, Uterine Cancer, Cervical Cancer
Hand Surgery
Richard Magill
Hawthorne (914) 789-2733
Westchester Medical Center, Phelps Memorial Hospital Center
Hand & Upper Extremity Surgery, Microvascular Surgery, Shoulder Surgery
Alan Schefer
Mount Kisco (914) 241-1050
Northern Westchester Hospital
Hand & Upper Extremity Surgery
Thomas Lester
Mount Kisco (914) 242-2991
Northern Westchester Hospital
Lymphoma, Breast Cancer
John Nelson
Hawthorne (914) 493-8353
Westchester Medical Center
Infectious Disease
Peter Berkey
Yonkers (914) 376-1543
St John’s Riverside Hospital, St Joseph’s Medical Center
Immune Deficiency, Tick-Borne Diseases, Travel Medicine
Jeffrey Lederman
New Rochelle (914) 637-1657
Sound Shore Medical Center of Westchester
Travel Medicine
Robert Nadelman
Valhalla (914) 493-8865
Westchester Medical Center
Tick-Borne Diseases, Lyme Disease
John Raffalli
Mount Kisco (914) 241-1050
Northern Westchester Hospital Center
Thomas Rush
Briarcliff Manor (914) 762-2276
Phelps Memorial Hospital,
Putnam Hospital Center
AIDS/HIV, Lyme Disease, Travel Medicine
Peter Welch
Armonk (914) 273-3404
Northern Westchester Hospital
Lyme Disease, Tick-Borne Diseases
Gary Wormser
Valhalla (914) 493-8865
Westchester Medical Center
Lyme Disease, AIDS/HIV,
Diagnostic Problems
Internal Medicine
Ronald Dennett
Yonkers (914) 831-6840
Lawrence Hospital Center,
Montefiore Medical Center
Carol Karmen
Hawthorne (914) 592-2400
Westchester Medical Center
Preventative Medicine
Sharon Krieger
Mount Kisco (914) 241-1050
Northern Westchester Hospital
Stephen Peterson
Valhalla (914) 493-8370
Westchester Medical Center,
NY Med College
Forensic Medicine, Weight Management
Elliott Rosch
Yonkers (914) 965-4424
St John’s Riverside Hospital
Preventive Medicine, Cholesterol/Lipid Disorders, Hypertension, Weight Management
James Turro
Mount Kisco (914) 241-1050
Northern Westchester Hospital
Maternal & Fetal Medicine
Patricia Devine
New Rochelle (914) 365-4263
Sound Shore Medical Center of Westchester
Pregnancy-High Risk, Prenatal Diagnosis, Diabetes in Pregnancy, Premature Labor
Keith Lescale
Harrison (914) 670-0500
White Plains Hospital Center, Greenwich Hospital
Pregnancy-High Risk, Prenatal Diagnosis, Fetal Ultrasound/Obstetrical Imaging
Medical Oncology
Jonathan Goldberg
Mount Kisco (914) 241-1050
Northern Westchester Hospital Center, Putnam Hospital Center
Lymphoma, Breast Cancer, Clinical Trials, Lung Cancer
Jeffery Halaas
Mount Kisco (914) 241-1050
Northern Westchester Hospital,
Putnam Hospital Center
Nancy Mills
Sleepy Hollow (914) 366-0664
Phelps Memorial Hospital Center, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Breast Cancer, Gynecologic Cancer
Elizabeth Phillips
New Rochelle (914) 632-5397
Sound Shore Medical Center of Westchester, Montefiore Medical Center
Breast Cancer, Lymphoma, Colon Cancer, Bleeding/Coagulation Disorders
Norman Rosen
Yonkers (914) 965-2060
St John’s Riverside Hospital, Montefiore Medical Center
Lung Cancer, Breast Cancer
Eduardo Saponara
Bronxville (914) 793-1500
Lawrence Hospital Center, Mount Sinai Medical Center
Breast Cancer, Lung Cancer, Gastrointestinal Cancer, Lymphoma
Simeon Schwartz
White Plains (914) 681-5200
White Plains Hospital Center,
Greenwich Hospital
Breast Cancer
Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine
Jesus Jaile-Marti
White Plains (914) 681-2282
White Plains Hospital Center,
New York-Presbyterian/Morgan
Stanley Children’s Hospital
Lung Disease in Newborns,
Neonatal Nutrition
Edmund La Gamma
Valhalla (914) 493-8558
Westchester Medical Center
Neonatal Infections, Prematurity/Low Birth Weight Infants, Necrotizing Enterocolitis
Stephen Adler
Hawthorne (914) 493-7701
Westchester Medical Center, White Plains Hospital Center
Kidney Failure, Glomerulonephritis, Hypertension, Calcimimetics
Louis Buzzeo
Sleepy Hollow (914) 332-9100
Phelps Memorial Hospital Center
Hypertension, Kidney Disease
Veronica Delaney
Valhalla (914)493-7701
Westchester Medical Center
Transplant Medicine-Kidney
Dominick Reda
Yonkers (914) 965-0621
St Joseph’s Medical Center
Hypertension, Kidney Disease
Michael Rosen
Mount Kisco (914) 241-1050
Northern Westchester Hospital
Kidney Disease-Pediatric & Adult
Barry Jordan
White Plains (914) 597-2332
Burke Rehabilitation Hospital
Brain Injury, Sports Neurology, Concussion, Memory Disorders
Stephen Marks
Valhalla (914) 345-1313
Westchester Medical Center
Stroke, Alzheimer’s Disease, Dementia
Albert Szabo
Mount Kisco (914) 241-1050
Northern Westchester Hospital
Michael I. Weintraub
Briarcliff Manor (914) 941-0788
Phelps Memorial Hospital Center,
Putnam Hospital Center
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Peripheral Nerve Disorders, Pain-Back & Neck, Diabetic Neuropathy, Stroke
Neurological Surgery
Thomas Lansen
White Plains (914) 948-6688
Northern Westchester Hospital,
Lawrence Hospital Center
Stereotactic Radiosurgery, Hydrocephalus, Brain Tumors
Alain de Lotbiniere
White Plains (914) 948-6688
Northern Westchester Hospital, White Plains Hospital Center, Greenwich Hospital
Movement Disorders, Pain Management, Brain Tumors, Pituitary Tumors
Raj Murali
Valhalla (914) 493-8392
Westchester Medical Center
Trigeminal Neuralgia, Skull Base Surgery, Aneurysm-Cerebral, Pituitary Tumors
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Regina Giuffrida
Mount Kisco (914) 241-1050
Northern Westchester Hospital
Menopause Problems, Gynecologic Surgery
Adina Keller
Mount Kisco (914) 241-1050
Northern Westchester Hospital
Adolescent Gynecology
Monique Regard
Valhalla (914) 304-5300
Westchester Medical Center, Children’s & Women’s Physicians of Westchester
Randee Wysoki
White Plains (914) 831-6800
White Plains Hospital Center
William Dieck
Mount Kisco (914) 666-4939
Northern Westchester Hospital
Cataract Surgery, Glaucoma, Lens Implants-Multifocal
Martin Lederman
Purchase (914) 417-6441
White Plains Hospital Center, New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia
Pediatric Ophthalmology, Eye Muscle Disorders, Diagnostic Problems
Jay Lippman
New Rochelle (914) 636-3600
New York Eye & Ear Infirmary
Cataract Surgery, LASIK-Refractive Surgery, Cornea Transplant
Mitchell Stein
Mount Kisco (914) 666-2961
Northern Westchester Hospital
Cataract Surgery, Cornea & External Eye Disease
Gerald Zaidman
Valhalla (914) 493-1599
Westchester Medical Center, Montefiore Medical Center
Laser Vision Surgery, Cornea Transplant, Cataract Surgery, Corneal Disease-Pediatric
Orthopedic Surgery
David Asprinio
Hawthorne (914) 789-2734
Westchester Medical Center
Anthony Maddalo
Hawthorne (914) 631-7777
Phelps Memorial Hospital
Center, Community Hospital at Dobbs Ferry
Sports Medicine, Shoulder & Knee Injuries, Rotator Cuff Surgery
Iris Schlesinger
Hawthorne (914) 789-2731
Westchester Medical Center, Phelps Memorial Hospital Center
Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery
Steven Zelicof
Harrison (914) 686-0111
Sound Shore Medical Center of Westchester, Westchester
Medical Center
Joint Reconstruction, Arthritis, Sports Medicine, Hip & Knee Replacement
David Yasgur
Katonah (914) 232-3135
Northern Westchester Hospital
Total Joint Replacement
Mark Fox
Tuckahoe (914) 961-2515
Lawrence Hospital Center, St John’s Riverside Hospital
Thyroid Surgery, Salivary Gland Surgery, Head & Neck Cancer, Sinus Surgery
Matthew J. Kates
New Rochelle (914) 636-0104
Sound Shore Medical Center of Westchester, Lawrence
Hospital Center
Sinus Disorders/Surgery, Sleep Disorders/Apnea, Balance Disorders
Augustine Moscatello
Ardsley (914) 693-7636
Westchester Medical Center
Nasal & Sinus Disorders, Head & Neck Surgery
Barry Shapiro
Briarcliff Manor (914) 945-0505
Phelps Memorial Hospital Center, St John’s Riverside Hospital
Endoscopic Sinus Surgery, Sleep Disorders/Apnea
Craig Zalvan
Tarrytown (914) 355-3636
Phelps Memorial Hospital Center
Voice Disorders ,Swallowing Disorders, Airway Disorders, Vocal Cord Disorders
Pain Medicine
Lawrence Epstein
White Plains (914) 289-1507
St John’s Riverside Hospital
Clifford Gevirtz
Harrison (914) 637-3510
Forest Hills Hospital
Opiate Addiction/Detoxification, Herpetic Neuralgia (Shingles), Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), Palliative Care
Grigory Kizelshteyn
White Plains (914) 289-1507
St John’s Riverside Hospital
Pain-Back & Neck
Bella Malits
Mount Kisco (914) 242-4400
Northern Westchester Hospital
Pain-Chronic, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD)
Peter Acker
Rye Brook (914) 251-1100
Greenwich Hospital, Westchester Medical Center
Pediatric Dermatology, Adolescent Medicine, Learning Disorders
Robin Altman
Hawthorne (914) 593-8850
Westchester Medical Center
Fredric Bomback
Hartsdale (914) 428-2120
White Plains Hospital Center, New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia
Infection Disease, Complex Diagnosis
Scott Bookner
Scarsdale (914) 725-0800
White Plains Hospital Center, Westchester Medical Center
Jeffery Brown
Rye Brook (914) 251-1100
Greenwich Hospital, Westchester Medical Center
Diagnostic Problems, Behavioral Disorders, Learning Disorders
Mary Versfelt
Rye Brook (914) 251-1100
Greenwich Hospital, Westchester Medical Center
Chronic Illness, Newborn Care, Adolescent Medicine
Marc Wager
New Rochelle (914) 235-3800
Sound Shore Medical Center of Westchester
Adolescent Medicine
Pediatric Cardiology
Bernard Fish
Valhalla (914) 594-4370
Westchester Medical Center, Children’s & Women’s Physicians of Westchester
Cardiac Imaging, Fetal Echocardiography
Deborah Friedman
Valhalla (914) 594-4370
Westchester Medical Center, Children’s & Women’s
Physicians of Westchester
Fetal Cardiology, Echocardiography, Fetal Echocardiography, Congenital Heart Disease
Michael Gewitz
Valhalla (914) 594-4370
Westchester Medical Center, Children’s & Women’s Physicians of Westchester, Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital
Neonatal Cardiology, Kawasaki Disease, Echocardiography,
Heart Failure
Paul Woolf
Valhalla (914) 594-4370
Westchester Medical Center
Pediatric Endocrinology
Richard Noto
Sleepy Hollow (914) 366-3400
Westchester Medical Center
Growth/Development Disorders, Diabetes, Lead Poisoning, Thyroid Disorders
Alicia Romano
Sleepy Hollow (914) 366-3400
Westchester Medical Center
Growth/Development Disorders, Diabetes
Paul Saenger
New Rochelle (914) 636-5924
Winthrop-University Hospital
Short Stature in Children, Turner’s Syndrome, Sexual Differentiation Disorders
Pediatric Gastroenterology
Stuart Berezin
Valhalla (914) 367-0000
Westchester Medical Center
Leonard Newman
Valhalla (914) 367-0000
Westchester Medical Center, New York Medical College
Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Celiac Disease
Pediatric Hematology-Oncology
Claudio Sandoval
Valhalla (914) 493-7997
Westchester Medical Center
Oya Tugal
Valhalla (914) 493-7997
Westchester Medical Center
Leukemia & Lymphoma, Brain Tumors, Langerhans Cell Histiocytoma
Pediatric Infectious Disease
Jose Munoz
Hawthorne (914) 493-8333
Westchester Medical Center
Lyme Disease, Immune Deficiency, Tick-Borne Diseases
Pediatric Nephrology
Robert Weiss
Valhalla (914) 493-7583
Westchester Medical Center
Kidney Failure, Nephrotic Syndrome
Pediatric Otolaryngology
Jeffery Keller
Mount Kisco (914) 242-1355
Northern Westchester Hospital, Mount Sinai Medical Center
Otitis Media, Sinusitis, Sleep Disorders/Apnea
David Merer
Ardsley (914) 693- 7636
Westchester Medical Center
Pediatric Pulmonology
Allen Dozor
Valhalla (914) 493-7585
Westchester Medical Center, Children’s & Women’s Physicians of Westchester
Asthma, Cystic Fibrosis
Pediatric Surgery
Gustavo Stringel
Valhalla (914) 493-7620
Westchester Medical Center
Minimally Invasive Surgery, Cancer Surgery, Neonatal Surgery
Jeffrey Zitsman
Scarsdale (914) 722-6737
New York-Presbyterian/Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital, White Plains Hospital Center
Minimally Invasive Surgery, Chest Wall Deformities, Obesity/Bariatric Surgery
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Mario Nelson
Hawthorne (914) 909-4168
Montefiore Medical Center – North Division
Spinal Cord Injury, Electrodiagnosis, Pain Management
Karen Pechman
White Plains
(914) 683-0020
Burke Rehabilitation Hospital, White Plains Hospital Center
Electrodiagnosis, Musculoskeletal Disorders, Amputee Rehabilitation, Pain Management
Audrey Randolph
Hawthorne (914) 909-4168
Westchester Medical Center
Musculoskeletal Disorders,
Gait Disorders
Plastic Surgery
Tae Ho Kim
Tarrytown (914) 366-6139
Westchester Medical Center, Community Hospital At
Dobbs Ferry
Craniofacial Surgery, Pediatric Craniofacial Surgery
Robert Reiffel
White Plains (914) 683-1400
White Plains Hospital Center
Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgery, Hand Surgery
Douglas Roth
Mount Kisco (914) 242-5647
Northern Westchester Hospital, Lenox Hill Hospital (Manhattan Eye, Ear & Throat Hosp)
Cosmetic Surgery-Face, Cosmetic Surgery-Breast, Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery,
Skin Cancer
Michael Suzman
Rye (914) 848-8880
White Plains Hospital Center, Greenwich Hospital
Rhinoplasty, Cosmetic Surgery-Breast, Cosmetic Surgery-Face
Gerard Addonizio
White Plains (914) 997-5864
New York Presbyterian Hospital/Westchester
Psychotherapy, Psychopharmacology, Depression, Anxiety Disorders
Arthur Badikian
Harrison (914) 948-4277
St Vincent Catholic Medical Centers – St Vincent’s Westchester
Mood Disorders, Aging, Women’s Health-Mental Health, Psychiatry in Cancer
Rebecca Dulit
Scarsdale (914) 722-0608
New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Westchester
Personality Disorders-Borderline, Suicidal Behavior-Consult, Anxiety Disorders, Depression
Katherine Halmi
White Plains (914) 997-5875
New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Westchester
Eating Disorders
Dean Harlam
Harrison (914) 925-5490
St Vincent Catholic Medical Centers – Vincent’s Westchester
Depression, Bipolar/Mood Disorders, Psychopharmacology, Schizophrenia
Samuel Klagsbrun
Katonah (914) 763-8151
Four Winds Hospital
Psychiatry in Cancer, Psychiatry in Terminal Illness
Barnett Meyers
White Plains (914) 997-5721
New York-Presbyterian Hosp/Westchester
Depression, Geriatric Psychiatry, Psychopharmacology, Psychotherapy
Mark Russakoff
Sleepy Hollow (914) 366-3600
White Plains Hospital Center, Phelps Memorial Hospital
Mood Disorders, Anxiety Disorders
Pulmonary Disease
Lawrence Delorenzo
Valhalla (914) 493-7518
Westchester Medical Center
Asthma, Emphysema
Steven Meixler
White Plains (914) 682-0700
White Plains Hospital Center, Greenwich Hospital
Asthma, Emphysema, Cough-Chronic
Radiation Oncology
Chitti Moorthy
Valhalla (914) 493-8561
Westchester Medical Center, St Francis Hospital of Poughkeepsie
Prostate Cancer, Breast Cancer, Brain Tumors, Mycosis Fungoides
Alfred Tinger
Yonkers (914) 969-1600
Northern Westchester Hospital, St John’s Riverside Hospital
Prostate Cancer, Breast Cancer, Brain Tumors
Reproductive Endocrinology
Jeffery Klein
White Plains (914) 997-6200
White Plains Hospital Center, Hudson Valley Hospital Center
Infertility-IVF, Infertility, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Endometriosis
John Stangel
Rye (914) 967-6800
Northern Westchester Hospital, Phelps Memorial Hospital Center
Infertility-IVF, Endometriosis, Pregnancy Loss
Mark Burns
New Rochelle (914) 235-3065
Sound Shore Medical Center of Westchester
Lupus Nephritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis
Elizabeth Reinitz
Harrison (914) 723-8100
White Plains Hospital Center
Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus/SLE, Osteoarthritis, Gout
Julia Yegudin-Ash
Valhalla (914) 594-4444
Westchester Medical Center
Lupus/SLE, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriatic Arthritis, Scleroderma
Sports Medicine
Gregg Cavaliere
Hawthorne (914) 631-7777
Phelps Memorial Hospital Center, Lenox Hill Hospital, Community Hospital at Dobbs Ferry
Rotator Cuff Surgery, Knee Injuries/Ligament Surgery, Shoulder Instability
Howard Luks
Hawthorne (914) 789-2735
Westchester Medical Center
Eric Small
Mount Kisco (914) 666-7900
Mount Sinai Medical Center
Orthopedic Care Sports Medicine, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), Concussion, Sports Injuries
Andrew Ashikari
Dobbs Ferry (914) 693-5025
Community Hospital at Dobbs Ferry, Westchester Medical Center
Breast Cancer, Melanoma, Sarcoma-Soft Tissue,
Colon Cancer
Anthony Cahan
Purchase (914) 681-9481
Northern Westchester Hospital, Hudson Valley Hospital Center
Breast Surgery
Lynn Josephson
Rye (914) 848-8960
White Plains Hospital Center
Breast Cancer & Surgery
Helen A. Pass
Bronxville (914) 787-4000
Lawrence Hospital Center
Breast Cancer, Breast Disease
Madhu Rangraj
New Rochelle (914) 632-9650
Sound Shore Medical Center of Westchester
Laparoscopic Surgery, Obesity/Bariatric Surgery, Hernia
John Savino
Valhalla (914) 594-4352
Westchester Medical Center
Critical Care, Trauma,
Pancreatic Surgery
Thoracic Surgery
Steven Lansman
Valhalla (914) 493-8793
Westchester Medical Center
Coronary Artery Surgery, Heart Valve Surgery, Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD),Transplant-Heart
Avraham Merav
Sleepy Hollow (914) 366-2333
Phelps Memorial Hospital Center
Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgery, Lung Surgery, Esophageal Surgery, Heart
Valve Surgery
Suvro Sett
Valhalla (914) 594-3322
Westchester Medical Center
Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, Congenital Heart Disease, Congenital Heart Disease-Adult
Sheldon Axelrod
Katonah (914) 232-3135
Northern Westchester Hospital
Prostate Cancer, Prostate Disease, Robotic Surgery
Bryan Blair
White Plains (914) 682-6470
White Plains Hospital Center, Greenwich Hospital
Judd Boczko
White Plains (914) 682-6470
White Plains Hospital Center, Greenwich Hospital
Prostate Cancer/Robotic Surgery, Robotic Urologic Surgery
Muhammad Choudhury
Hawthorne (914) 347-1900
Westchester Medical Center, Sound Shore Medical Center of Westchester
Prostate Cancer, Bladder Cancer, Kidney Cancer, Testicular Cancer
Arno Housman
Briarcliff Manor (914) 941-0617
Phelps Memorial Hospital Center
Kidney Stones, Prostate Cancer, Incontinence
Vascular Surgery
Sateesh Babu
Hawthorne (914) 593-1200
Westchester Medical Center, Northern Westchester Hospital
Carotid Artery Surgery, Aneurysm-Abdominal Aortic, Lower Limb Arterial Disease, Vein Disorders
Richard Karanfilian
New Rochelle (914) 636-1700
Sound Shore Medical Center
Varicose Veins, Carotid Artery Surgery, Endovascular Surgery
Kenneth Schwartz
Rye (914) 848-8750
White Plains Hospital Center, Greenwich Hospital
Arterial Disease, Vein Disorders, Dialysis Access Surgery
Gary Tannenbaum
Yonkers (914) 965-2606
St John’s Riverside Hospital, Lawrence Hospital Center
Diabetic Leg/Foot, Wound Healing/Care, Arterial Bypass Surgery, Endovascular Surgery
Where to Go
Our Top Doctors’ affiliated hospitals
785 Mamaroneck Ave
White Plains
(914) 597-2500;
Community Hospital at Dobbs Ferry
128 Ashford Ave
Dobbs Ferry
(914) 693-0700;
Forest Hills Hospital
102-01 66th Rd
Forest Hills, NY
(718) 830-4000
800 Cross River Rd
(914) 763-8151
5 Perryridge Rd
Greenwich, CT
(203) 863-3000;
1980 Crompond Rd
Cortlandt Manor
(914) 737-9000;
55 Palmer Ave
(914) 787-1000
Lenox Hill Hospital
100 E 77th St
New York, NY
(212) 434-2000
Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital
100 Woods Rd
(914) 493-7000
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
777 N Broadway # 100
Sleepy Hollow
(914) 366-0664;
111 E 210 St
Bronx, NY
(718) 741-2342;
3959 Broadway
New York, NY
(212) 305-KIDS
One Gustave L Levy Pl
1190 5th Ave
New York, NY
(212) 241-6500
310 E 14th St
New York, NY
(212) 979-4000;
New York Medical College
40 Sunshine Cottage Rd
(914) 594-4000;
622 W 168th St
New York, NY
(212) 305-2500;
New York Presbyterian Hospital/ Westchester
21 Bloomingdale Rd
White Plains
(914) 682-9100;
New York Presbyterian Hospital/ Weill Cornell Medical Center
525 E 68th St
New York, NY
(212) 746-5454
550 First Ave
New York, NY
(212) 263-7300
400 E Main St
Mount Kisco
(914) 666-1200;
701 N Broadway
Sleepy Hollow
(914) 366-3000
Stoneleigh Ave
Carmel, NY
(845) 279-5711
St Barnabas Hospital
4422 Third Ave
Bronx, NY
(718) 960-9000
967 N Broadway
(914) 964-4444
127 S Broadway
(914) 378-7000
St Vincent’s Catholic Medical Centers – St Vincent’s Westchester
275 North St
(914) 967-65500
16 Guion Pl
New Rochelle
(914) 632-5000
95 Grasslands Rd
(914) 493-7000
Davis Ave at E Post Rd
White Plains
(914) 681-0600
Winthrop-University Hospital
259 First St
Mineola, NY
(516) 663-0333
Yale-New Haven Hospital
20 York St
New Haven, CT
(203) 688-4242
makeup by Jill K. Imbrogno for JKFlashy Makeup Service Co.