Feb 4: International Ice Cream for Breakfast Day • Held on the first Saturday of February, this self-explanatory day of self-indulgence began with parents’ efforts to pull their young kids out of the winter doldrums (itzahckret.com/icecreamforbreakfast).
Feb 12: International Darwin Day • Observing the birth date of Charles Darwin (February 12, 1809), the day is meant to honor his scientific contributions (darwinday.org).
Feb 14-21: National Condom Week • As the, ahem, climax of National Condom Month, these are the eight days that many colleges and universities will be providing sex ed. (The week originated at UC Berkeley in the ’70s; figures!) Planned Parenthood chapters across the country often also sponsor related events (nationalcondomweek.com).
Feb 26-Mar 3: Secondhand Wardrobe Week • According to its website, the goal of the week is to quash the stigma associated with buying and wearing used garments. It was founded in 2006 as Secondhand Wardrobe Day, but has since expanded to an entire week (secondhandwardrobe.com/secondhand-wardrobe-week).
Owners of teething puppies and kittens should take heed: February is also National Pet Dental Health Awareness Month.