617 Croton Lake Rd, Bedford Corners
What $9.4 million bought: An estate the owners never have to leave. Who needs a farmers’ market when there’s an orchard right on the property? The 10,000-square-foot Rockledge Farm provides everything a Westchesterite could possibly need. Exercise? In addition to the gym, there’s a yoga/massage room with its own balcony. Wine? Right in the 3,000-bottle cellar. Top-of-the-line appliances? The kitchen has two of each—plus enough space to entertain 75 guests. The front entryway of the five-bedroom home boasts 18th-century front château doors from Provence that lead to an entrance hall with 2,000-year-old Jerusalem floor tiles. Antique stained-glass pocket doors hide a formal dining room with suede wall coverings. If the owners choose to leave the house, on the 26-acre property they’ll find a 3,000-square-foot guest house (three bedrooms, three bathrooms, and a three-car garage); a staff cottage (with three bedrooms and two bathrooms); a 65-foot swimming pool with two-story pool house (there’s a dance floor on the second level); a tennis court; a basketball court; and three fishing ponds.
The tax bill: $95,000 Muffin Dowdle, Ginnel Real Estate. Bedford Hills (914) 234-9234 x101; ginnel.com