We all know we have to exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet, and stay motivated in order to get into shape. Easy to say; not so easy to do. Enter PhatBurn (4 Manhattanville Rd, Purchase 914-714-3697; phatburn.com), a 19-month-old company that promises to get you “ripped” in just 60 days. “We guarantee the results because we combine the three necessary ingredients of any fitness regimen—an exercise program, nutrition counseling, and healthy food—under one roof,” says “co-phounder” Paul Wintergerst. “We create a workout schedule and a nutritional plan, and our chef creates all the meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner, and two daily snacks, which makes it easier for our students to stay on track.” And we can vouch for the fact that the meals are delicious. While the program isn’t cheap at $65 a day (Wintergerst notes you can customize your program for less), when you add up the costs of a gym membership, extra fees for specialty classes, and dining out, it starts looking like a pretty sweet deal indeed.