Given the I-287 project is two years behind and $200 million over budget (“What the Hell’s Up with I-287?”), you have to wonder about the final cost for reconstructing the Tappan Zee Bridge.
Based on previous planning initiatives, some estimated a cost ranging from $14 billion to $21 billion. This also could have included options of adding bus rapid transit or light or heavy commuter rail capacity. It might cost far more money decades later to construct any public transportation component to an existing bridge.
It is difficult for anyone to really predict when we will see a shovel in the ground or the final price tag to taxpayers.
Perhaps the only real dedicated funding source for fully funding reconstruction of the Bridge is raising the toll with the additional revenues placed in a lockbox to cover costs.
Larry Penner, Great Neck, Long Island
Rockefeller’s Hometown
The October item on all the Rockefellers buried in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, “VIP RIPs,” (Talk of the County) stated that John D., Sr., is buried in Lake View Cemetery in his hometown of Cleveland, Ohio. Rockefeller was born in the upstate New York hamlet of Richford. His family didn’t move to the Cleveland area until he was a teenager.
Dan Harrison, Briarcliff Manor
Editor’s Response: A good point: Cleveland was not John D. Rockefeller, Sr.’s birthplace. Rockefeller, however, lived in Cleveland from the time he was 14, attending high school there, founding Standard Oil there, and making the first in a series of shrewd business acquisitions there. Overall, he spent about 60 years in Cleveland and chose to be buried there. So, while Richford may be his birthplace, it seems clear that he thought of Cleveland as his hometown.
Oops! The turkey in the photo in last month’s “Main Course,” in which featured restaurants serving Thanksgiving dinner, was prepared by Crabtree’s Kittle House in Chappaqua, not Le Château. We regret the error.
In last month’s “Top Five” column, the name of film critic John Farr’s website was incorrect. It’s “Best Movies by Farr.”
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