Picture it: a picnic table, a pile of steamer clams, a bowl of salty clam broth, and bowl of drawn butter. You slip the sock off the unresisting clam, and holding it by its tender foot, you dip the bivalve into a soothing bath of warm broth. (This washes off any clinging sand, and adds a soft, ocean-y saltiness.) After an emollient dip in butter too, the clam is primed for your delectation. You tip your head back and swallow its slippery body whole. We promise — Route 1 will drop away to be replaced seagulls and crashing of waves. You’ll be pitying your poor friends stuck in Labor Day traffic jams.
Westfair Fish & Chips westfairfishandchips.com; 1781 Post Road East, Westport Connecticut; (203)255-3184