1) Are you…
2nd-generation American (36%)
3rd-generation American (36%)
4th-generation American (14%)
Off the boat (7%)
My family came over on the Mayflower (7%)
2) What do you think of Arizona’s new law to utilize state/local law enforcement in combating illegal immigration?
If the federal government can’t or won’t do it, someone has to (43%)
Hate it—it’s unconstitutional (43%)
Love it—it’s about time (14%)
3) What should happen to illegal immigrants?
They should be allowed to stay, but pay a fine, go through proper civic and language instruction, and go to the end of the line (50%)
They’re not illegal immigrants; they’re “undocumented workers” who are doing necessary work that none of us are willing to do (21.5%)
They should be deported ASAP. (7%)
None of the above (21.5%)
4) Stopping illegal immigrants from crossing the border is…
a national security issue. (36%)
something that needs to be done (29%)
a moral outrage (21%)
none of the above (14%)
5) So-called “racial profiling” of suspected illegal immigrants is…
obscene (57%)
common sense. Exactly how many blond-haired, blue-eyed Swedes do you think are crossing the Rio Grande? (36%)
something Helen Thomas would probably approve of .(7%)
6) Have you ever knowingly hired someone of questionable citizenship?
No (79%)
Yes (21%)
7) Does it irk you that signs in stores, telephone books, and government forms, also appear in Spanish?
No (79%)
Yes (21%)
8) Should English be made the official language of the U.S.?
Yes (79%)
No .(21%)
9) Should immigrants be required to learn English as a condition of obtaining citizenship?
Yes (71%)
No (29%)