80 West
Westchester Renaissance Hotel, 80 W Red Oak Ln, White Plains (914) 696-2782
If Not a Chef, I’d Be a… I would have probably followed in my father’s footsteps and mastered the craft of carpentry.
Favorite Kitchen Utensil I love my Global knife, but my favorite tool is the mandoline.
I Never Eat... meat well done. I’m also not a big fan of Chinese delicacies like scorpion or monkey brains.
Favorite Place to Dine Out 42 at the Ritz-Carlton in White Plains or, for casual dining, Peniche, also in White Plains.
TV Food Show I Love/Hate I’m not a big fan of the Iron Chef. Chopped is more of a true competition. I like the classic cooking shows with Jacques Pepin, Emeril Lagasse, and my favorite is Dessert Circus with Jacques Torres.
I Hate It When a Diner at My Restaurant... asks for medium rare and it gets sent out medium rare, but the guest returns it.
I Never Cook with… shortening. I prefer to use butter or blend of olive oil.