My favorite source of entertainment is:
Live sporting events (24%) Live music events (18%) Movie theater (16%)
Netflix/On Demand/Cable (15%) Live theater events (14%) Happy hour (9%) My kids’ stuff at school (4%)
On average, I get culture
Several times a week ……………… 8%
A couple times a week ……………. 8%
Once a week …………………………. 25%
Once a month ……………………….. 25%
Whenever I can afford a sitter …..16%
Hardly ever—I hate the arts ……..18%
Most of the arts/entertainment/cultural activities I attend are:
In Westchester ………….. 33%
In the city …………………..40%
On television …………….. 27%
I prefer watching movies in:
The theater—nothing beats the
big-screen experience………………16%
Through Netflix—no lines, no
parking, no schedule…………….. 37%
On my laptop/iPad/mobile device
—I’m too busy to actually sit in one place to watch a movie. 47%
My favorite venue in Westchester is:
Jacob Burns Film Center ……………… 12%
Picture House……………………………… 10%
County Center ……………………………. 14%
Tarrytown Music Hall …………………… 19%
Paramount Center for the Arts ……… 10%
Emelin Theatre …………………………… 8%
Performing Arts Center …………………17%
Westchester Broadway Theatre ……..10%
The last time I saw live theater:
Last week ……………………………..10%
Last month …………………………… 20%
Last year ……………………………… 43%
Never ………………………………….. 27%
My primary method of buying music is:
CDs …………………………….. 23%
Digital Downloads………….. 63%
8-Tracks and Cassettes I find at
yard sales ………………….. 14%
I have season tickets to…
the ballet ……………………… 8%
the symphony ………………. 6%
the opera …………………….. 6%
a theater group …………….. 8%
the Mets………………………..18%
I think the government should subsidize the arts more:
YES ………………………………48%
NO ………………………………. 52%