Every inch of Quorum Federal Credit Union’s Purchase office has character and personality. The company’s branding and messaging is plastered throughout the sun-drenched space, from the statuesque Q’s perched in the hallways, to the slogan “Belong to Better” hung on the walls, to the saturation of blue throughout the office.
And in an effort to foster collaboration, every design element is aimed at giving the company’s nearly 100 employees the ability to work anywhere at any time. The kitchen area is equipped with workspaces for employees to plug in. Breakout spaces with couches encourage impromptu meetings (or the ability to answer private phone calls). Cubicles have lower partitions. White noise is pumped throughout the office to muffle excess sound, allowing for more face-to-face communication without added distraction to others.
Here, we take a closer look at Quorum’s creative office space.
These small breakout spaces were designed to encourage collaboration. They don’t need to be booked like conference rooms, so employees can use them for impromptu meetings throughout the day. The frosted glass partitions create a sense of privacy. The pen holder on the table flips up to reveal outlets for laptops, which can also be hooked up to the rollaway screen.
Because it’s healthier for employees to sit at different heights throughout the day, Quorum’s kitchen (right, and opposite page) features chairs of varying elevation (and a plush booth) where employees can unwind—or work, since each space has plug-in work stations. The company also hosts after-hours wine tastings and other events in this space.
Cubicles were designed with lower partitions to encourage a more open feel. The workspaces were downsized, since Quorum, during the research phase of its design, found larger desks lead to clutter and disorganization. Employees are also given small lockers in their cubicles for coats and other personal items. The chairs are designed to encourage collaboration: The tops of the chairs bend, allowing workers to lean on them while talking with colleagues. Glass-walled conference rooms are soundproof, ensuring privacy. You can also see a second mini-kitchen in this photo, which is adorned with a screen that displays (in addition to cable) real-time updates of company-wide contests and progress on certain projects.