27,879 total number of employees working in White Plains (the most of any city/town in Westchester)
35,145 number of private businesses in Westchester
349,159 number of people they employ
Most full-time and part-time jobs added by Westchester companies in 2010
PepsiCo: 800
ShopRite: 400
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals: 300
Quincy Amusements: 120
San-Mar Laboratories: 115
Micro Center: 100
424,602 Total Westchester Workforce
37.1% Working elsewhere 157,422
62.9% Working in county 267,180
Average Salary for Security Guards in Westchester
White Plains $78,000
Yonkers $77,000
Peekskill $66,000
Armonk $63,000
Office Availability
2005: 14.5%
2010: 19.1%
Mean annual salaries in our area.
chief executive officer: $215,280
lawyer: $166,130
sales manager: $162,900
personal financial advisor: $151,510
physician (internist): $146,040
computer programmer: $80,400
kindergarten teacher: $67,040
human resources specialist: $65,770
police officer: $64,070
carpenter: $57,980
hairdresser/hairstylist and cosmetologists : $33,530
receptionist: $29,200
childcare worker: $25,550