I remember once complaining to my mother-in-law that time flies by too fast. “You think it goes by fast now,” she said. “Wait ’til you get to be my age.” She was then 82—and, though I have a ways to go before I’m in the eighth decade of my life (assuming that I’m fortunate enough to reach it), I know what my mother-in-law meant. The older I get, the faster time goes. My husband jokes that it’s not our imagination but that time has sped up, like our lives.
Most of us are absurdly busy—and, come the holidays,
instead of enjoying them, we resent them. Gosh, we grumble, mostly inaudibly (lest our loved ones hear us), it’s one more (choose your adjective: horrid, time-consuming, worrisome, unbearable) thing to do—attend holiday parties, buy gifts, entertain out-of-towners… You know something’s wrong when, instead of looking forward to spending time with friends and family, you just feel pressure, stress. Hey, I’m at fault, too. The holidays can be overwhelming.
So, here’s our gift to you: take a deep breath, sink into a cozy chair, and, for the next 30 minutes or so, treat yourself to a nice, fun-filled, informative read. Yes, the issue you’re holding in your hands. Learn how darned lucky you are to live in our county. We give you 52 indubitable reasons to adore the county you call home. And, if we missed one, do let us know. Shoot us an email or reach us via the web. And while we’re at it, here’s another gift: a brand-new column, “Ask Westchester” (see page 36). The idea? Anything that you are curious about that has to do with our county—fire away. Ask us. We will answer your questions (or at least try to). Send your questions to edit@westchestermagazine.com.
And, happy holidays!
Esther Davidowitz