Sports fans tend to be a little superstitious, but one Jets fan is taking it to a whole new level.
Tom Schonberg, a 39-year-old die-hard Jets fan, believes that naming his first-born son after the team last February helped break their losing streak. Schonberg, who named his son Jake Edward Thomas Schonberg—or JETS—said his wife originally found his wish to name their son after a sports team odd, but that she eventually came around.
As part of their compromise, the little blue-eyed tyke is called Jake during the week—but on Sundays, he’s dressed from head to toe in Jets gear, and is called “Jet.”
But Schonberg’s wife, Angela, is probably no stranger to her husband’s fanaticism, as he commissioned a Jets ice sculpture for their wedding, and postponed their honeymoon for a day so he could squeeze in a game.