Jun 2: Leave the Office Earlier Day • Conceived by productivity guru Laura Stack, the day is meant to focus attention on improving productivity— thus, fewer work hours. Interested? Download from Stack’s site helpful materials on how to improve your productivity and a letter you can print to inform your boss of your intention to observe the day (good luck with that!). (theproductivitypro.com).
Jun 15: National Flip-Flop Day • The day was founded by the Tropical Smoothie Café chain to raise money for a recreational camp in Maine that provides free getaways for seriously ill children and their families. Just walk into one of their locations on June 15 wearing flip-flops (and a donation in hand, yes?) and get a free 24-ounce smoothie (nationalflipflopday.com).
Jun 16: National Fudge Day • Created by the National Confectioners Association, this day is a good excuse to indulge your sweet tooth. But diet-conscious folks shouldn’t feel left out—June 16 is also Fresh Veggies Day. (Um, cucumber fudge, anyone?)
Jun 22: Take Your Dog to Work Day • Self-explanatory (takeyourdog.com).
Female putters, parents of toddlers, and freewheeling nudists should take note: June is also Women’s Golf Month, Potty Training Awareness Month, and World Naked Bike Ride Month.