Jan 4: World Hypnotism Day • According to the website worldhypnotismday.com, the day’s goal is “to remove the myths and misconceptions while promoting the truth and benefits of hypnotism to the people of the world.”
Jan 16: National Nothing Day • Created by columnist Harold Pullman Coffin in 1972, and sponsored by his National Nothing Foundation, its purpose is to provide Americans with one day when they can just sit without celebrating, honoring, or observing anything. Kind of like a totally non-religious Sabbath—without the need to get dressed up for religious services.
Jan 21: National Hug Day • Founded in 1986 by Reverend Kevin Zaborney, the holiday is supposed to encourage everyone to offer a hug to anyone they feel like hugging. Zaborney chose the date because of its position on the calendar, smack-dab between Christmas and Valentine’s Day—a time he felt most people would be at an emotional nadir.
Hoarders, purse-snatchers, and vampires should beware: January is also Get Organized Month, National Personal Self-Defense Awareness Month, and National Volunteer Blood Donor Month.