Her humans: Jeanne and Michael (quoted here) Ferrando of Tarrytown
Named after: The character from the TV show Laverne & Shirley.
Ten-second commercial: Laverne is simply adorable, affectionate, and full of feline confidence.
She’s so special because: She tolerates every single piece of clothing that we have put on her and will stay still in it while we take pictures of her over and over again. The camera loves her.
Her itsy-bitsy flaw: She’s jealous of her feline sister, Shirley, or when we are cuddling on the couch and she is not included.
Sweetest habit: She is a total mush and cuddle muffin. She has absolutely no problem being wrapped up in a blanket like a burrito so that only her perfect little face is showing.
Not-so-sweet habit: Growling like a tiger when Shirley approaches a toy she is playing with, pouncing on Shirley for no reason, and not sharing her humans on the couch.
Best party trick: Leaping at least three feet in the air doing a back flip while trying to catch her favorite feather toy on a string—and catches it perfectly almost every time.
Most fears: The DustBuster.
Cutest habit: Grooming the hair on my head similar to how cats groom each other’s fur.
She DVRs: Too Cute on Animal Planet because she is so enthralled with the cats and kittens on the show.
She really hates: When we leave for work in the morning. She seriously looks depressed as we walk out the door.
Often seen modeling: A spring sundress, hoodie, or Santa suit.
Favorite Halloween costume: Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz.
Her headgear wardrobe includes: Antlers, bunny ears, and birthday and winter hats.
Most oddball behavior: She sits in her cat tunnel with her hind end and tail sticking out and she’s convinced no one can see her because she can’t see us!
Naughtiest thing she’s done: She snuck outside the door once, ran under the bird feeder, caught a bird at first try, and ran back inside with it in her mouth—all in less than five minutes.
Celeb she most resembles: Paris Hilton—because she is so spoiled, privileged, and pampered, and spends her days basking in the sun, evenings playing with her toys, and then ends the night with cuddles.