Harper’s Restaurant & Bar
The wonderful thing about the meat business is that it has not yet seen the effects of PR. You can still find cuts of beef with colorful names like “shoulder clod” that haven’t yet been rebranded into, say, “Kensington steak.” Chef Chris Vergara of Harper’s grinds his own burgers from the seductively named “shoulder roll”: It’s a super-beefy prime cut that adds an elegant steak flavor to Harper’s char-grilled burger. Do it up with all the toppings: white cheddar, Gruyère, bacon, onions, and a gently fried egg. It’s almost like steak and eggs, but with way more cheese and bacon—who doesn’t love that?
92 Main St, Dobbs Ferry (914) 693-2306; harpersonmain.com
House-Ground Prime Cut Makes Harper’s Restaurant & Bars Burgers Top-Notch
Chef Chris Vergara doesn’t skimp on the toppings either, including fried eggs, bacon and Gruyère.