Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Better Breathers Club – Pulmonary Fibrosis Support Group
The Pulmonary Fibrosis Support Group welcomes those with pulmonary fibrosis to learn and share with others. A light lunch will be served.
Susan DiFabio, RT
Education Coordinator for Phelps’ Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program
12 – 1 pm; Pulmonary Lab (B Level)Registration is required. Call (914) 366-3712 to register.
Thursday, September 18 and Mondays, September 22 and 29
Prostate Cancer Screenings
Jack Hershman, MD
September 18, 22 and 29, 9 am – 12 pm
Arno Housman, MD
September 22 and 29, 5 – 8 pm
Appointments are required; no walk-ins. For an appointment call (914) 366-3220.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
National Fall Prevention Awareness Day
A day of activities promoting fall prevention that is geared toward seniors. The day will include balance screenings, osteoporosis education and home safety tips.
For more information, call (914) 366-3937. Thursday, September 25, 2014
Sleep Well Support Group
Do you or a loved one have a problem sleeping at night? Are you having difficulty with the treatment for your sleep disorder? The Sleep Well Support group provides an opportunity for people with sleep disorders and their family members to come together to share experiences and learn about sleep disorders and treatment options. The group meets every other month and is free to attend.
7 – 8:30 pm
Family Medicine Residency Conference Room, 755 Building, 4th floor
Registration is required. Call (914) 366-3755 for questions or to attend.
Saturday, October 4, 2014
CarFit for Older Driver Safety
An individualized 20-minute educational session for older drivers, designed to improve the “fit” of their cars for safety and comfort, promote conversations about safe driving, and link drivers with local resources to enable them to continue driving for as long as safely possible. The trained CarFit team, Phelps’ Occupational Therapy Department, will work with participants to help ensure a clear line of sight over the steering wheel, proper seat belt use and fit, and safe positioning of mirrors to minimize blind spots.
9 am until noon (rain or shine)
Phelps parking garage. Appointments are required. Call (914) 366-3705 to schedule.
Monday, October 6, 2014
Yoga for Singers
If you’re a singer, learn how yoga can help you release tension, stay “in the moment,” and breathe with ease and control so you can have a freer voice. Bring a yoga mat. Space is limited.
Leah Ross-Kugler, MS, CCC-SLP
6:30 – 9 pm
C Level Classroom
Registration is required. Call (914) 366-3220 to register.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Speech Therapy for Parkinson’s Patients: Think LOUD, Speak LOUD
Join graduates of LSVT LOUD and learn about this intensive speech therapy program for individuals with Parkinson’s disease.
Andrea Bracciante-Ely, MS Sp,
Senior Speech-Language Pathologist
10:30 – 11:30 am
Walkway Conference Room
Registration is required. Call (914) 366-3220 to register.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Better Breathers Club
Learn about the American Lung Association’s new nationwide campaign for individuals with lung disease. A light lunch will be served.
Serena Arrabito-Joo
Development Director, American Lung Association
12 – 1 pm; Pulmonary Lab (B-Level)
Registration is required. Call (914) 366-3712 to register.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Controlling the Pain of Arthritic Knees Without Surgery
Orthopedic surgeon J. Robert Seebacher, MD, will discuss a non- surgical therapy that often helps people with arthritic knees maintain active lifestyles while postponing – or eliminating – the need for surgery. Learn how injections and exercise can enable reconditioning and reduce inflammation and pain.
J. Robert Seebacher, MD
Medical Director of the Phelps Joint Replacement Service
6:30 pm; Auditorium
(light refreshments at 6 pm)
Call (914) 366-3100 to register.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Lung Cancer After 70
Dr. Avraham Merav, Director of the Westchester Lung Nodule Center, will discuss lung cancer screening and treatment recommendations for individuals 70 and older – a population at high risk for the disease.
Avraham Merav, MD
Chief of Thoracic Surgery and Director of the Westchester Lung Nodule Center
6:30 – 7:30 pm; Auditorium
A light dinner will be served at
6 pm in the Boardroom.
Registration is required. Call (914) 366-3220 to register.
Friday, October 17 and Thursday, October 23, 2014
Speech-Language Screenings for Preschool Children
Are you concerned about your child’s speech and language development? If so, call for a free speech-language screening with an experienced pediatric speech-language pathologist.
Kim M. Ventimiglia, MS, CCC-SLP
Pediatric speech-language pathologist
October 17: 10:30 am – 12 pm
October 23: 1 – 2:30 pm
Donald R. Reed Speech & Hearing Center at Phelps
777 North Broadway, Suite 303
Registration is required. Call (914) 366-3220 to register.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Swallow Screening
Do you sometimes feel food or liquid going down the “wrong pipe” or coming back up? Does food get stuck? Do you have pain when you swallow? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you should attend this free swallow screening.
Lynne Marie Gagne-LeBlanc,
Andrea Bracciante-Ely, MS Sp, CCC-SLP
Paula Dinu, MS, CCC-SLP
9:30 – 11 am
Walkway Conference Room Registration is required.
Call (914) 366-3220 to register.
Monday and Tuesday, October 27 and 28, 2014
Defensive Driving
This two-evening certification program lowers insurance premiums, reduces violation points and sharpens driving skills.
Robert Fogel
5:30 – 8:30 pm; Auditorium
Fee: $45
Registration is required. Call (914) 366-3220 to register.
Monday, October 27, 2014
Screenings for Chronic Cough and Laryngopharyngeal Reflux
Do you have a chronic cough that won’t go away? Screenings will be offered for people with chronic cough despite numerous doctor visits, diagnostic tests and medications. Your cough may be caused by silent reflux (laryngopharyngeal reflux disease or LPR) or the irritation of a nerve. Symptoms of silent reflux are excessive throat clearing, voice changes, difficulty swallowing, nighttime cough and vocal spasms. Symptoms of an irritated nerve include dryness in the throat or a tickle prior to the cough.
Craig H. Zalvan, MD
Laryngologist, Medical Director of the Institute for Voice and Swallowing Disorders at Phelps
8:45 – 10 am
Registration is required. Call (914) 366-3220 to register.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Treatment and Management of Snoring and Sleep Apnea
Dr. Michael Bergstein, Surgical Director of the Phelps Sleep Center, will discuss the causes and diagnosis of sleep apnea and how snoring and sleep apnea can be managed.
Michael Bergstein, MD Otolaryngologist, Surgical Director of the Phelps Sleep Center
7 pm; Auditorium
Registration is required. Call (914) 366-3220 to register.
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
You Say “tinn-I-tis” and I Say “TINN-i-tis”
Grandma says that buzzing in your ear means someone is talking about you, but what does it really mean? Where do those sounds in your head come from? Should you be worried? Learn about the various causes of tinnitus and some techniques to reduce the stress often associated with head noises.
Meryl Epstein, MA
Professional Training Audiologist, Widex USA
Susan D. Reilly, MS, CCC-A
Coordinator of Phelps Audiology Services
10 am – 11:30 am; Auditorium
Registration is required. Call (914) 366-3220 to register.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Screening for Snoring and Sleep Apnea
Do you snore? Attend this screening to learn if you are at risk for obstructive sleep apnea. The exam will include a complete history evaluation and an examination of the ear, nose and throat.
Michael Bergstein, MD
Otolaryngologist and Surgical Director of the Phelps Sleep Center
9 – 11 am
Registration is required. Call (914) 366-3220 to register.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Better Breathers Club
Does shortness of breath run in your family? Were you diagnosed with emphysema at an early age? Join the Better Breathers Club for a discussion of alpha-1 antitripsin deficiency. A light lunch will be served.
Nicole Incanno, MS,
Alpha-1 antitripsin specialist, Grifols Biotherapeutics
12 – 1 pm; Pulmonary Lab (B Level)
Registration is required. Call (914) 366-3712 to register.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Urinary Incontinence in Females
Learn about the current treatments for women with urinary incontinence.
Sue Zhou, MD, FACOG
10:30 am – 12:30 pm; Auditorium
Call (914) 366-3220 to register.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Better Breathers Club
The Director of Pharmacy Services will discuss medications for lung disease, including when and how to take them. A light lunch will be served.
Fred Perino, RPh, MS
Director of Phelps Pharmacy Services
12 – 1 pm, Pulmonary Lab (B Level)
Registration is required. Call (914) 366-3712 to register.
Vitality for Seniors
Thursdays, September 11, October 9 and November 13, 2014
The Breakfast Club
A series of free breakfast meetings for seniors. Each session includes free breakfast, a presentation on a healthy lifestyle topic and a light exercise program. The group meets monthly, except in August and December.
8:30 – 10:30 am; Cafeteria (G Level)
Call (914) 366-3937 to register.
Wednesdays, October 1, November 5 and December 3
Mind Games
Mind Games is a fun way to help seniors stimulate their minds and develop cognitive functioning skills, including memory, visual recall, problem solving, focus and speed, and spatial reasoning.
2 – 3 pm; Boardroom (C Level)
Call (914) 366-3937 to register.
Tuesdays, September 16, October 21, November 18 and December 16
Senior Steps
A program offering health screenings for seniors, held once a month.
Appointments are required.
Call (914) 366-3937 to register.
Wednesdays, October 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 and November 5, 2014
Living Well Program
A 6-week workshop for individuals 65+ teaches skills needed to self-manage health, live with chronic conditions, make better nutrition and exercise choices, deal with pain and fatigue, and talk to doctors and family about health. Co-sponsored by the Westchester County Department of Senior Programs and Services, Northwest Livable Communities and Westchester Community College.
10 – 12:30 pm; 755 Building,
Room 235
To register, call (914) 366-3937.
Ongoing Bereavement Support Group
This ongoing support group for adults struggling with the loss of a loved one meets two Thursdays a month on the following dates: October 9 and 23, November 6 and 20, December 4 and 18.
Bess Steiger, LCSW
Bereavement Coordinator
2 – 3:30 pm
Hospice Office in the James House
Suggested donation: $10 per session.
Registration is required. Call (914) 366-3325 or email
Look Good . . . Feel Better®
This free, 2-hour workshop teaches beauty techniques to women undergoing cancer treatment. The program includes professional hair and makeup consultations. Attendees can take home a complimentary wig and a make-up kit donated by cosmetic companies. The program is offered in partnership with the American Cancer Society, The National Cosmetology Association, and the Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association (CTFA) Foundation.
Call (914) 366-3315 or (914) 366-3345 to register for an upcoming session on September 8, October 6, November 3 or December 1.