Fans of NBC’s The Biggest Loser will recognize these GoWear fit upper-arm strap devices, which take a myriad of fitness readings during your exercise as well as during sleep. The device plugs into your computer with a USB cable and uploads your data so you can track your progress, map your goals, and generate reports in any number of health criteria. $189.85.
Ropeless Jump Rope
Who needs a rope to jump rope? JumpSnap, a set of electronic handles, emits a snapping sound for each jump and tracks number of jumps, calories burned, etc. (Can your jump rope do that?) The handles also can be weighted with a set of weights to add resistance. Kit includes handles, weights, an eat-smart guide, a workout DVD, and a travel bag. $39.95.
The sun gods only know how this works—disposable wristbands, dubbed UVSunSense, measure your exposure to harmful UVA and UVB radiation by changing colors to let you know when it’s time to reapply sunscreen, cover up, or get out of the sun. $6.99 (pack of 7).
For the weight-obsessed: AllegroMedical’s body- composition scale doesn’t just measure weight but calculates body fat, body water, and muscle percentages, and displays them all on a large, easy-to-read LCD. It even suggests daily caloric limits. $32.95.