Much fanfare has been devoted the “summer road trip.” The phrase probably conjures up images of loading the trunk of a smart convertible, speeding down the highway with the top down, cranking your perfectly crafted playlist. Few people imagine summer road trips as they really are: spending lots of hours in a hot, stuffy car, sitting in traffic as thousands of other weekenders clog the highways trying to get to the same few summertime destinations.
For our money, autumn is the best time to make a getaway. Fewer people make weekly excursions, giving you your pick of the best rooms in the most desirable destinations. The weather is often more cooperative—remember how many days this summer went north of the 90-degree mark? You’re not obligated to find a spot near a beach, although those desolate sandbars certainly do have their appeal year-round. And, of course, there are those leaves.
Just one question remains: where to?