Nothing speaks more to personal anxieties than the duel weigh-in. As if giving yourself a good morning dose of depression wasn’t bad enough, we were going to do “Team-Weigh-In:” to enjoy the statistical fun of confirming how fat we really are…together. Plus, it makes a good reference as a starting point when we look back on all of this. But fun probably isn’t the right word here, especially when looking at the results.
I’m up first……..boom! 219 lb! Ok, this is a ridiculous result for me to see. I certainly felt bigger than I used to, but this is comically bad. To make matters worse, according to’s height to weight guidelines, I could be a walking parade float. Talk about encouraging yourself, it was time to start working out.
Gina was up next, she stepped on the scale to read…… [—————————————The following weigh-in write-up has been edited and removed by the author’s girlfriend————————-].
Gina: Ha! This is such a lie! I had nothing to do with the removal of that part; Mike is just trying to be funny. I’ll tell you myself: I weighed in at 137 — which is WAYYYYYY too high for me. Back in the day, I used to be a working out fanatic, definitely going to have to get back down in the 125 range that I used to be.
Now would I mislead you, dear reader? Of course not! Gina too was in need of some weight loss (but I still think she looks great). But it was clear; goal #1 was definitely lose some weight.
In our discussion with Amy, we also outlined that we felt overworked, overstressed, and had little time to work out because we didn’t want to go spend hours in the gym to add to time we weren’t spending together.
Amy had just the perfect solution for us, and it was all part of Apogee’s 360 approach to fitness: sculpting the body, teaching how to eat, and helping to relieve stress.
Step #1 – get some classes scheduled. There would be no time like the present to break into a routine. So we scheduled the introduction to Pilates Mat class. We also scheduled a more cardio-intensive class, called Fusion Funk (which is the guy from the video, totally looks like fun).
Step #2 – see the Nutritional Counselor. Apogee’s approach to wellness isn’t just Pilates and other exercise, it’s a total well-rounded approach, and that includes what fuel the body needs and what toxins should be avoided. They have a new program out now the involves a healthy living workshop, as well the “Nourish Juice Cleanse” which sounds intriguing, going to have to check that out as well.
Step #3 – scheduled a meeting with the life coach. Amy mentioned that at Apogee, wellness is about a lifestyle of healthy balance, so we also scheduled a meeting with one of the two Life Coaches on staff.
Gina: This is really great. When I first got into this, I didn’t realize it was all of these other services, I thought it was just a gym with Power Pilates certified instructors. I’m so excited about getting started with the work outs, but I knew that was coming. I’m really excited about both the life coach and the nutritionist, which should be great.
I have to admit, I love that Gina and I are doing this together. By doing the duet training as a couple and going through this experience together, we are setting ourselves up as a support for one another, so we are accountable not only to ourselves but also each other. It should also be fun as a competitive experience. If I can somehow be a little better, it might make up for losing at bowling and bocce this past summer (though I did win some money playing poker ☺).
Next Week: The First Class