You know what brides most commonly get for their weddings? No, not silver picture frames; advice—lots and lots of advice.
Some of it’s sentimental (“Don’t forget to gaze into each other’s eyes!”), some of it’s practical (“Stick with white wine”), and some of it is downright weird (“Never let your husband watch you shave your legs”). And everyone from Mom to magazines (yes, even this one) wants to weigh in with an opinion or three. So, let me help you edit your growing heap. Pay particular attention to advice from women like yourself who’ve recently married. You can trust them to give you the straight dope. That’s why we asked them on page 59 to tell us what they wished they’d known when it was their turn to walk down the aisle.
Since I’m a newlywed myself (September 25, 2005), I hereby offer my own contributions:
Give one of your bridesmaids the task of carrying your lipstick and nudging you when it’s time to reapply it. You’re always on camera, after all.
If you’re having your pictures taken during the cocktail hour, have someone put aside a plate of hors d’oeuvres for you and your husband.
Program your iPod with your first dance song and any other tunes that are featured in your reception. Nothing’s more romantic than taking your second dance as husband and wife in the privacy of your honeymoon suite.
And, oh yes, do look into each other’s eyes. No matter what happens from this moment on, you’ll always remember what true love looks like.
All the best,
Catherine Censor
Executive Editor