Their humans: Evelyn O’Keeffe and Seth Schild (quoted here) of White Plains
Why ferrets: My wife is allergic to dogs and cats, but we still wanted a pet that has a real personality.
Named after: Characters in the Mutts comic strip by Patrick McDonnell.
Adopted from: A rescue shelter.
What makes them unique: Even though they were all rescues from difficult circumstances, they are the most happy, unafraid, and friendly creatures. They love to check out any new person or animal.
Naughtiest behavior: Contrary to the reputation that some ferrets have, they have never damaged any furniture or wires and or nipped anyone. They have hidden the TV remote, though!
Fun fact: Happy and enthusiastic little fuzzies, they do everything 100 percent. And every ferret we have ever had join our family has had a totally unique personality—no two are alike.
When awake: They are unstoppable.
When asleep: Even a vacuum can’t wake them.
Most salient personality trait: Curiosity. Combined with their inventiveness, they show why the phrase ‘to ferret out’ was coined.
‘To ferret out’ in action: Watching them try to get behind a door, inside a bag, or on top of a piece of furniture is endlessly entertaining. Whether they make it or not, they never get frustrated and they never give up.
Most annoying habit: Their ability to sleep anywhere—which makes for some long searches.
Favorite snoozing spots: Our dirty-laundry baskets, the wired bins of a desk, inside an entertainment center with the doors closed, and under the covers of our own bed.
Word to best describes their personalities: Playful.
Fave pastime: Chasing each other around the house and/or following us wherever we go.
Cutest behavior: Curling up in crazy positions with each other to sleep.
Most annoying habit: Trying to get out the front door with us every time we leave the house.
Preferred music genre: Anything they can dance to.
Preferred toys: Baby teething rings because they can carry and hide them all over the house.
Preferred nibbles: Cheerios.
If they were famous they would be: Houdinis, because they can get out of anything.
Public service announcement: Ferrets are the happiest pets—they never have a bad day. Their endless curiosity and antics keep us amazed and entertained.