Wilkens Fruit and Fir Farm
1335 White Hill Road, Yorktown Heights
(914) 245-5111
From Saturday after Thanksgiving, open every day, 10am-4:30pm, through December 16.
In addition to free hot apple cider for every family member to sip while pondering the perfect Christmas tree, a brass, laser-cut commemorative holiday ornament comes with each tree. Stock up on fresh apple-cider doughnuts, pies, cookies, strudels, wreaths, roping, preserves, honey, cider, and apples from the farm market. To their credit, prices have stayed the same over the past eight years, ranging from $75 to $125.
Hardwick Tree Farm
213 Wood Street, Mahopac
(845) 528-5814
Open on weekends between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
You can cut your own tree, or have it done for you. Friendly staff willalso tie the tree to your car, and provide all equipment, ropes and measuring sticks. Free hot cider and cookies too. Trees are $12 per foot, with a minimum of 5 feet.