I am a college junior, and have learned a thing or two about “dating”—yes, it is still called that. I admit however that I am no expert (I don’t have a PhD in anthropology or sociology), but with one real relationship behind me, and countless small heartbreaks, I myself have learned the four “rules” to dating.
1. Know how to text.
If you don’t know how, you might as well give up now. Texting is the basis of communication for a world where talking on the phone takes too much time. What to text? Keep it simple. “What are you up to?” “Let’s get coffee” or “Wanna hang out?” Advanced sexy texting is more difficult to master. This can often be started after some flirting at a party. Later that night, and home alone, there are numerous paths to go down. Beware: there’s a difference between a booty call (a middle of the night request to hang out) and actually just wanting to hang out. Asking to watch a movie only means a request to hook-up. Do not be fooled to think likewise.
2. Know the terms.
Maybe you and a friend of the opposite sex had too many tequila shots, and decided to make out, never mentioning the event again. That, my friend, is a one-time hook-up. If this begins to happen more than a few times, you may be looking at a “friend with benefits.” Hooking up can be anything—sometimes it’s with and sometimes without sex. But it’s not emotionally deep. Sleeping with someone can be—and there usually is more exclusivity between two partners. Maybe someone likes you enough to ask you out on a real live date, which could be dinner, with maybe a movie, or a party to go to afterwards. However, it is only a real date when the male pays for his lady’s meal. Sometimes one date results in a hook up situation. Maybe it results in nothing, but it’s fun to dress up and pretend to date like the good ol’ days. To the majority of players, all of these situations are understood, and never talked about. One day, down the line, there may be a “where is this going” talk, that seems to be uncomfortable for both parties, and often lacks any true resolution.
3. Know when to quit.
Flings end usually in similar ways. If your desired stops calling (assuming his/her heart still beats), it is over. The words “just be friends”? Bad sign. Sometimes, and most immaturely I may add, he/she seemingly will fall off the face of the earth, never to return a sexy text—or any text–again. Game, play, over!
4. Know thyself.
The most important rule for surviving the dating world is to be confident. Experience has nothing compared to knowing what you want. Go for it!