Zanaro’s Italian Restaurant
1 Mamaroneck Ave, White Plains (914-397-9400)
Favorite Kitchen Utensil A great sharp knife. I prefer the eight-inch Wüsthof chef knife.
Last Book Read Backyard Chickens, because this year I plan to raise my first flock!
I Hate It When a Diner at My Restaurant… changes components of a dish and still expects it to taste good.
The Strangest Request Any time someone wants cheese melted on fish, I quiver.
The Worst Incident That Occurred in a Restaurant You Worked at Not worked at but dined at. A waiter at a three-star restaurant in Paris literally bathed a lady wearing a crisp white dress in red wine just as she was getting comfortable in her chair. You felt the air leave the room.
The Most I’d Pay for a Meal A truly great meal is priceless.