1) Whom do you dislike more?
Bankers …………………………………….. (57.5%)
Journalists ………………………………….. (35%)
Neither ……………………………………….. (7.5%)
2) Journalists are
All liberals …………………………………… (15%)
All Democrats ……………………………… (7.5%)
All out to sell newspapers/magazines/shows,
no matter what …………………………… (55%)
None of the above ……………………….. (22.5%)
3) Bankers are
All conservatives ………………………….. (7.5%)
All Republicans ……………………………. (7.5%)
All out to make money,
no matter what ………………………. (75%)
None of the above ………………………… (10%)
4) If your kid told you he wanted to work on Wall Street, you’d:
Jump for joy ………………………………. (32.5%)
Start planning your retirement ……….. (12.5%)
Make him watch Michael Moore’s documen-
tary Capitalism: A Love Story ……… (30%)
Tell him to consider journalism ………. (17.5%)
Jump off the Tappan Zee Bridge ……. (7.5%)
5) If your kid told you he wanted to become a journalist, you’d:
Jump for joy ………………………………. (30%)
Start planning to work
two jobs …………………………………. (30%)
Make him read Woodward & Bernstein’s
All the President’s Men …………… (22.5%)
Tell him to consider Wall Street ……… (7.5%)
Jump off the Tappan Zee Bridge …… (0%)
None of the above ……………………….. (10%)
6) Your favorite journalist is:
Anderson Cooper ……………………… (35%)
Barbara Walters …………………………. (10%)
Bill O’Reilly ………………………………… (10%)
Fareed Zakaria …………………………… (2.5%)
John Stewart ……………………………… (25%)
Other ………………………………………… (17.5%)
7) Your favorite banker is:
Vikram Pandit (Citibank’s CEO) …….. (10%)
Timothy Geithner (current Treasury
Secretary) ………………………………. (12.5%)
Henry Paulson (former Treasury Secretary
under Bush) …………………………….. (5%)
Alan Greenspan ………………………….. (7.5%)
Ben Bernanke …………………………….. (22.5%)
None ………………………………………… (42.5%)
8) You do your personal banking at:
A big chain bank ……………………….. (70%)
A smaller community bank ……………. (17.5%)
A credit union ……………………………… (5%)
A piggy bank (and under your mattress)
these days …………………………….. (5%)
Online ………………………………………. (2.5%)
9) You get most of your news from:
Print publications. ……………………….. (20%)
TV and radio ………………………………. (15%)
The Internet ………………………………. (55%)
All three …………………………………….. (10%)
10) Who is more to blame for the economic meltdown?
Bankers, for their greed ……………….. (60%)
Financial journalists, for not scrutinizing
bankers’ dubious practices …………. (10%)
Neither ……………………………………… (17.5%)
Both …………………………………………… (12.5%)