Today’s deal of the day will put you in the right frame of mind. Get an hour-long massage of your choice with Michelle Dillon at Balsam Massage for just $50!
Michelle Dillon and Balsam Massage provide high quality therapeutic massage and polarity therapy in a relaxing environment. She specializes in Oncology, Mastectomy, TMJ, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Pre-Natal, Post Natal, Abdominal, Fibromyalgia, Scar Tissue Massage, and Rleaxation.
Through today’s offer, you can have your choice of any sixty minute massage that best caters to your needs! Take advantage of today’s offer and choose from a variety of therapies including Swedish, Deep Tissue, Sports Massage, Acupressure and Trigger Point, Head, Hands, and Feet and even specialty ones including pre and post natal massages, Scar Tissue massages, Therapeutic Medical and Oncology Massages!
After earning her massage therapy degree at the world renowned Swedish Institute, Dillon’s dream has been to create a space that combines the relaxation of going to a spa, the option of receiving medical therapeutic massage therapy and the familiarity of working with an independent practitioner. Balsam Massage Therapy is the realization of this dream.