“Cats purr only when they’re happy.”
Not always. Cats also purr to soothe themselves, even when they are sick or dying.
“Cats hate water.”
Not all of them. Some cats, like the Turkish Van and the Turkish Angora, actually like to swim, says Garber. Many cats like to play with running water. But cats don’t like to be submerged.
“A saucer of milk is a perfect treat.”
Actually, dairy is hard on cats’ digestive tracts, and many are lactose-intolerant. All they need to drink is water.
“Pregnant women shouldn’t be around cats.”
Expectant moms are not in danger from kitties, but they should not clean the litter box, says Sherman. Felines carry the internal parasite toxoplasma, which is dangerous to unborn children. In a pinch, a pregnant woman should wear gloves to handle cat waste, but what better time to get your partner in the habit of cleaning up poop?
“Cats can see in the dark.”
While kitties can’t see in total darkness, they do see better in semi-darkness than we do. Their large eyes have a wider field of view and are more sensitive to low light.