Today’s deal of the day smokes away the competition. A perfect last minute Christmas gift for a loved one or yourself, get a 5 Pack of Davidoff Grand Cru No 1 Cigars at Doc James Cigars for just $45!
The “Grand Cru” series by Davidoff, was launched in 1946. This was the first of Davidoff’s own series. The robust Grand Cru No. 1 delights every connoisseur by its wealth of flavor and aroma. The harmonious proportions of diameter and length mean a balanced smoke. This cigar from the “Grand Cru” series is one of the best selling formats.
The Doc James name has been synonymous with tobacco and cigars in Westchester County since the late 60’s. Doc James Mamaroneck is a full service premium cigar shop located in one of the most unique towns in Westchester. Since Doc James is the only merchant of Davidoff Cigars in Westchester, we pride ourselves on excellence. From the quality of the cigars we sell, to the knowledge and service we provide our customers and members.
Doc James’ mission is to offer the finest selection of premium cigars, pipe tobacco, and accessories at a competitive price.