Discover “The Five Greatest Movies Ever Made” at over half off with today’s deal of the day!
It’s nearly impossible to try and even count the number of movies which have released in the United States. So imagine how difficult it would be to try and identify the five best, and describe what makes them so great! Well, that’s exactly what Yale Film professor Marc Lapadula will be doing on Sunday morning July 17th. The title of this fascinating class, which is touring the country is “The Five Greatest Movies Ever Made”, and he’ll do his best to explain his choices – showing clips of each chosen film.
Professor Lapadula will discuss:
• Great story: There needs to be plot development; good writing with a story “arc” – a good structure. A lot of movies have flimsy, time worn and predictable plots. Star vehicles are often like this; designed to capitalize on a star’s box office appeal with little effort put into the script.
• Great Performances: Needless to say movies with weak performances are not likely to stand the test of time.
• Character Development: We want to see the characters go through something and come out the other end changed in some way.
• Direction and Editing: Poor direction is easier to spot than you might think. How many times have you been to a pretty good movie that just went on way too long. Good direction is crisp and intelligent, not obvious or overly sentimental.
• Box Office Success: Here is where the business side intersects with the “art of film making”. Many bad movies make a lot of money but few films become truly great if they don’t at some point make the cash register ring.