Split-stance Anti-rotation Press
The split-stance anti-rotation press is fantastic for improving hip stability. The press portion of the exercise works the core muscles, and increased hip and core stability will allow for a more efficient hip turn that won’t hurt your lower back. Set up in a split-stance position. Using a cable or a band, anchor the resistance from the left side if your right leg is forward. Holding the handle at the chest, push straight out in front of you, hold for a second, and return to start position. Keep the glutes and trunk tight, forcefully exhaling as you push out with each rep.
Lateral Hop
The lateral hop is an exercise that quickly stretches a muscle, then immediately contracts it to increase explosive power and improve agility. Start in an athletic stance, pushing off one leg and landing on the opposite leg horizontally. Be sure to land as soft as possible, and stick the landing with each repetition. Use your arms and opposite legs for momentum to swing into the next rep.
Mini-band Walk
The mini-band walk is a great exercise for improving hip stability and glute strength. It will help with hip turn and provide lower body stability so the hips can rotate through impact. Place a mini-band across your feet (shown at left). Keeping your feet shoulder-width apart, step to the side with your knees slightly flexed and your spine tall.
Spider-Man Crawl
It may seem unconventional, but the Spider-Man crawl teaches your shoulders and hips how to work together in a coordinated fashion. Set up in a pushup position with your head and chest up. Begin by moving your opposite arm and leg, dragging the toe on the ground and keeping the knee on the outside of the elbow. Be sure to move opposite limbs at the same time.
With steady practice, these exercises should help you build up strength in your legs and muscle groups responsible for a solid footing and a powerful controlled swing.