(914) 528-7796; www.campnabby.com
When Riverdale Country School’s longtime football coach Frank Bertino purchased Camp Nabby in 1970, his vision was to design a physical-education program not only to help campers improve their athletic skills but also promote physical and emotional education. Today, Joe and Rita Bertino (Frank’s son and daughter-in-law) run Camp Nabby, but even 45 years later, Frank’s legacy is going strong. Nabby remains one of Westchester’s top sports camps, with a mission to develop children into better leaders, confident athletes, ceaseless adventurers, and good teammates.
Rita explains that what makes Nabby so special compared to other sports camps is Nabby’s commitment to make every camp activity an educational experience (whether it’s an athletic or non-athletic course). “What makes us stand out is the educational base for our activities. Our nature program is run by a naturalist with years of experience who works with the area school districts in their after-school programs. Our music, gymnastics and arts programs are run by certified teachers and coaches in those areas,” she explains.
Coach Frank’s mission and philosophy have remained constant, but the campus is constantly updated and renovated; today it includes three tennis courts, three swimming pools, five ball fields, three soccer fields, three basketball courts, and dodgeball courts, as well as facilities for gymnastics, floor hockey, and rock climbing, plus mini golf, a hiking trail and nature center, and art and music theaters.
Making A Splash In 2016
Director Rita Bertino reveals that in order to stay competitive, Camp Nabby tries to add something new and exciting each year. In the past few years it was the Aerial Adventure program and a jumping pillow, a giant, inflatable canvas pillow made for tumbling and jumping. “This year we are installing a brand new state-of-the-art Olympic-sized swimming pool with diving board and slide,” says Bertino.
Ages: 3 1/2 to 13 Dates: June 27 to August 18; 4-week to 8-week sessions. Fees: From $3,750 (4 weeks) to $5,500 (8 weeks) Transportation: Available; cost ranges from $500 to $1,150