Painter Daniel Greene of North Salem is not only world-renowned for his portraits of prominent public figures, he is considered by many the foremost pastelist in the US, with hundreds of lauded works over his 60-year career. His most recent triumph is of former Chief Judge of the New York State Court of Appeals Jonathan Lippman, who selected Greene from among the nation’s foremost portrait artists.
“I am delighted by the artistry of Daniel Greene,” praises Lippman, who was succeeded by Chief Judge Janet DiFiore in January 2016, after he retired. “The portrait very much captures the dignity and seriousness of purpose we hope to project as members of the judiciary. I am honored and privileged to have Daniel Greene’s beautiful lifelike portrait of me displayed at the Court of Appeals in Albany.”
After a photographer sent images of Judge Lippman in the Appellate Court to Greene at his North Salem studio, work began on the 66” x 41” oil painting on canvas. Judge Lippman and his wife were physically present at the studio, however, as Greene applied the finishing touches to the masterwork. The painting was then shipped to Albany, for the April 3 unveiling ceremony. Previously, Greene has had such historic figures as Eleanor Roosevelt, Ayn Rand, and William Randolph Hearst sit before his easel.