Sure, “beefcake” is a familiar term in our lexicon, but how does one describe his equally hot vegan counterpart? Beet-cake? Objectifying sobriquets aside, you can come up with your own metaphor once you’ve seen Yonkers’ Kevin Duffy, who is this year’s winner of PETA’s annual “Sexiest Vegan Next Door” competition. For PETA spokesperson Amber Canavan, the issue is a no-brainer.
“A vegan saves nearly 200 animals a year from suffering on factory farms and slaughterhouses,” says Caravan. “So, vegans are just living proof that real beauty is more than skin-deep.”
The “Sexiest Vegan Next Door” competition recognizes vegans nationwide who set the bar for exemplifying a healthy vegan lifestyle and look good while doing it. In May, the 37-year-old Duffy beat out hundreds of contenders across the nation in order to win the crown. “It’s not something I ever thought I would be titled, but it feels good,” says Duffy. “I’m proud of my journey, and I’ll take a free trip to Hawaii anytime.”
“Look, I’m just a regular dude. I’m fit, strong, and healthier now — and I’m happier than I’ve ever been.”
Duffy credits veganism for improvement in his overall energy, mood, and confidence. He started his journey four years ago, when training for an Ironman Triathlon as a way to improve his performance. “[Veganism] made a lot of sense, and the biggest benefit I’ve noticed has been weight loss; I’m down about 45 pounds from my heaviest,” says the 6’2’’, 190-lb firefighter.
As an official ambassador for the vegan lifestyle, Duffy hopes to educate people about how easy it is to make the switch: “A lot of people don’t think they can do it, but if you just make small changes and don’t go in trying to completely change overnight, you’ll notice the benefits over time,” he says. “Look, I’m just a regular dude. I’m fit, strong, and healthier now — and I’m happier than I’ve ever been.”