Oakland Cemetery, Yonkers
Known as St. John’s Burial Grounds until 1875, Oakland Cemetery is home to the graves of Revolutionary War and Civil War soldiers. The cemetery has been subjected to vandalism repeatedly, as tombstones are often damaged or knocked over—apparently angering the spirits. It is said that three women in white, supposedly sisters, come down the hill to chase trespassers out.
Boutonville Oak in Ward Pound Ridge Reservation, Lewisboro
In the late 1800s, a farmer was drinking at a nearby tavern when a fire burned his house down, killing his children. They were supposedly buried under the Boutonville oak tree in Ward Pound Ridge, and there have been numerous reports of a mysterious figure wandering around the area at night with a lantern, searching for his children.
Buckout Road, Harrison
The one-stop shop of haunted locations. Legend has it that if you stop at the red house and honk your horn three times, flesh-eating albinos will attack you. Somewhat less surreal, it’s said that three since-paved-over Xs gauged into the street mark the spot where three witches were burned at the stake. There’s even a story that neighborhood kids once found a human head in one of the street’s mailboxes. Also, the ghost of the legendary Leatherman has apparently wandered through here. Oh yeah… Albert Fish, the serial killer who some say inspired novelist Thomas Harris’ Hannibal Lecter, reportedly owned a house on Buckout Road. (The lambs are screaming!)