Where to go: Vanguard LARP at Inwood Hill Park in New York City; Alliance LARP Gettysburg in Cornwall, PA (wwww.alliancelarp.com); and The Wayfinder Experience (www.wayfinderexperience.com) in Kingston, NY
Theatrical LARP
This LARP focuses entirely on role-playing, plot, and character interaction, with little to no physical contact. These short games last two to six hours, and players usually take on roles pre-made by the game maker. The characters have their own personalities and motivations, but there’s no script.
Where to go: ARC Stages in Pleasantville with Warren Tusk (www.paracelsus-games.com)
Medieval Combat Sport/Heavy-Combat LARP
These LARPs are more physical than others. Sometimes, actual plated armor and metal weapons are used, and punching or grappling may be allowed. Heavy-Combat LARP involves role-playing and a story, whereas Medieval Combat Sport does not have role-playing and is purely a sport to test martial skill. Participation in either of these will result in at least bruising or even more serious injuries, but both are a hell of a lot of fun.
Where to go: You can find Heavy-Combat LARP in Central Park in New York City (www.amtgard.com). For Medieval Combat Sport, check out Novi Antiqui Dagorhir Battle, in Astoria Park, Queens (www.larping.org/larps/listing/novi-antiqui-dagorhir-battle/).