The Great John N. Romano, Esq., was a legend and the true “Champion of the People.” One of his sons, Joseph A. Romano, Esq., started his own practice in 1986, with the help of the “Great One.” Joseph will continue that legacy and fight for the people. If you want someone willing to take all necessary action to secure what you’re entitled to and deserve, Romano | At Law is the firm for you. Whether you need workers’ compensation, social security disability, disability pension, or a free case evaluation, Joseph has you covered. You might also run into Joseph at local union charity events, supporting scholarship funds, for example. There is nothing that he isn’t willing to do for his clients and surrounding neighbors. We look forward to serving and fighting for you.
Romano | At Law
2168 Central Park Avenue • Yonkers • 855.965.1515 • www.romanoatlaw.com