Founded in 1988, The Law Offices of Joseph A. Marra, PLLC strives to ensure clients receive the most aggressive and thorough representation possible, without the high costs associated with Manhattan or White Plains firms. The attorneys and paralegals in our fi rm specialize in a wide range of practice areas, including Personal Injury, Divorce, Elder Law, Wills, Trusts and Estates, Real Estate and Small Business. Our fi rm also handles Criminal Defense, (Atty. Marra is a former Assistant District Attorney), Estate Planning, Small Business representation and residential and commercial Real Estate transactions. A real person answers our telephones 24 hours a day. We will be there when your legal rights and quality of life are at stake. We are responsive to our clients’ needs and provide personalized service for each case. We understand that each circumstance is unique, and we work diligently to give you the full benefit of the protections you are afforded under the law. We will aggressively represent you in the courts.
909 Midland Ave, 2nd floor • Yonkers, NY
914.964.6806 • marralaw@marralaw.com • www.marralaw.com