A world-renowned dermatologist and dermatologic surgeon, Dr. Reszko aims to enhance every patients’ overall skin health by embracing a comprehensive, whole-body dermatological approach. So, while you may think about consulting a dermatologist for something specific, such as aging skin, worries about skin cancer, or chronic eczema, a visit with Dr. Reszko will address all of those concerns and much, much more.
“I adopt a holistic approach to the body and the skin,” said Dr. Reszko, who has private dermatologic practices in Rye, New York, and New York City. “This allows me to more effectively focus on prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment of significant skin-related issues.”

A Leader in the Science of the Skin
A Clinical Assistant Professor of Dermatology at Weill Cornell Medical College and Assistant Attending Dermatologist at New York Presbyterian Hospital, Dr. Reszko is a respected leader in the science of the skin. She is a fellow at the American Academy of Dermatology, the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, and the American College of Mohs Surgery. Dr. Reszko completed a graduate fellowship in Micrographic Surgery and Dermatologic Oncology at Yale University, earning board certification in Mohs micrographic surgery, a specialized technique for the precise removal of skin cancer that focuses on removing all of the cancerous skin without damaging the surrounding healthy skin. Dr. Reszko is also one of the top providers of radio frequency (RF) microneedling for addressing the signs of aging.
“I am really passionate about pursuing better skin health for all of the patients in my care,” said Dr. Reszko. “Our skin is our largest organ, and it needs to be protected and treated properly. In my practice, I focus on skin cancer awareness, treatment, and education, addressing not only the issues that my patients may see but other skin, nails, and hair issues also.”
Dr. Reszko practices both medical dermatology, which focuses on addressing medical conditions that affect that appearance and health of the skin, as well as cosmetic dermatology, which focuses on making skin improvements, aesthetic changes, or reversing the signs of aging. Dr. Reszko is supported by an experienced team of highly trained and certified dermatology Physician Assistants (PAs), Registered Nurses (RNs), and Licensed Estheticians who provide personalized, individual care. Dr. Reszko treats both adults and children, providing customized medical and cosmetic treatments to address a range of skin conditions.
Dr. Reszko practices at two state-of-the-art private facilities: one office at 266 Purchase Street in Rye, New York, and the other at 1112 Park Avenue in New York City. To learn more about Dr. Reszko’s dermatology practice and the comprehensive services provided, visit www.dranettareszko.com. In-person or virtual visits can be scheduled online or by contacting Dr. Reszko’s offices at 646-759-8449.
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