Smile Design Dental Spa
39 Smith Avenue • Mount Kisco, NY • 914.241.8200 • www.smiledesigndentalspa.com
If there were a single definition of what constitutes a perfect smile, it would be a lot easier to achieve. That’s why improving smiles has been a primary focus of cosmetic dentist Stacie Calian, DDS, MPH, MS, owner of Smile Design Dental Spa in Mount Kisco. A leader in smile makeovers, including President of the Greater New York Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, Dr. Calian has many options to improve the smiles of her patients, including a scalpel-free facelift — single-day, painless procedure that reduces wrinkles around the upper lip and mouth, resulting in a younger, refreshed appearance.
“We also now offer The Prettau Implant Bridge, a major step forward in restorative dentistry and the longest lasting, most effective way to replace missing teeth,” says Dr. Calian. An ideal solution for addressing broken crowns, failing root canals, gum disease, or loose or ill-fitting dentures, these dental bridges are supported by dental implants (artificial tooth roots surgically placed into the jawbone and gum tissue), that provide an incredibly secure hold. The artificial teeth are made from zirconia, an extremely durable and natural-looking material. Dr. Calian’s practice, which includes an oral surgeon, an orthodontist, and an endodontist, has also achieved the Platinum Invisalign Provider, placing it in the top 5 percent of experienced Invisalign providers.
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