Local real estate giant Houlihan Lawrence is among the first companies in the country to bring the housing industry to your favorite traffic and navigation app. Partnering with HomeSpotter to make the company’s listings available on social media platforms, scheduled open houses will begin appearing on Waze users’ screens, just like cheap gas, police sightings, traffic updates, and hazard warnings.
The listings appear as a special branded pin along users’ routes or location searches. A larger ad will also appear only if users are fully stopped within three miles of the property location. Upwards of 350 properties are to be listed across Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess, and Fairfield counties on a given weekend, so expect to see quite a few as you’re consulting your GPS.
“It’s just the latest way we’re putting our client’s homes in potential buyer’s pockets,” says Houlihan Lawrence Head of Digital Stephanie Williams. “We’re proud to add this service to our mobile arsenal.”
Waze added the feature to include real estate listings back in November of last year, to limited release. With the inclusion of Houlihan Lawrence properties earlier this month, the same app Westchesterites check to avoid speed traps and potholes might just become the newest way to find out that gorgeous house along your commute is actually on the market.